Taking care of soils since 1924

Awards, Medals and Prizes


Dokuchaev award

Dokuchaev award

This award was established in 2006. It is made for major research accomplishments, resulting from basic researches in any field ...
Von Liebig award

Von Liebig award

This award was established in 2006. The award recognizes outstanding contributions in applied soil science research, contributing to new discoveries, ...
Korean society of soil science

The IUSS Jeju Award

Sponsored by the Korean Society of Soil Science and Fertilizer (KSSSF) Description The IUSS Jeju Award was co-established by IUSS ...


Yaalon medal

The Dan Yaalon medal young scientist medal

This medal is awarded by the IUSS Division 1 Soils in Space and Time and the IUSS Commission 4.5 History, philosophy and sociology of ...

Kubiena medal

Definition The Kubiena Medal was introduced by Subcommission B – Soil Micromorphology of the ISSS to commemorate Walter L Kubiëna ...
The Richard Webster Medal

The Richard Webster Medal

An award by the Pedometrics Commission of the International Union of Soil Sciences The Pedometrics Commission of the International Union ...
IUSS Distinguished Service Medal

IUSS Distinguished Service Medal

This award was established in 2006. It is made for major research accomplishments, resulting from basic researches in any field ...

Guy Smith medal

Guy Smith Medal Award Committee Definition The Guy Smith Medal Award is given by IUSS Commission 1.4. Soil Classification to ...


Margaret Oliver Prize

For early-career Pedometricians The Pedometrics Commission of the IUSS is pleased to introduce a new prize, which is intended to ...

Pan Ming Huang Prize

This prize is awarded every 4 years by IUSS Commission 2.5 in recognition of significant contributions to advancing the understanding ...