Taking care of soils since 1924
IUSS Alert 189 (March 2021)

IUSS Alert 189 (March 2021)



Call for nominations of IUSS Division and Commission Officers 2022-2026

This is your chance to become involved in the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) and shape its future in the years 2022 to 2026. The IUSS is the global union of soil scientists, and has participation from some 130 countries involving some 50,000 soil scientists. The IUSS Mission is to promote the scientific and life-sustaining importance of soil to humankind, and to support and enhance the discipline of soil science globally. The scientific activities of the IUSS are organized by the Divisions, Commissions and Working Groups.

We are seeking nominations for all Division and Commission positions except Division vice-chairs, and a description of the Divisions is given here, of the Commissions here. The description of the specific duties and functions of Divisions and Commission officers is here.

IUSS Full Members (national soil science societies who paid the membership fees) are encouraged to participate in this call making strong efforts to seek and nominate candidates to the Divisional Nominating Committees. Nominees can be nominated for only one position. Candidates to be nominated cannot be members of the Divisional Nominating Committees.

Please send in your nominations before 30 April 2021. Each nomination should include the position, a 100 words biography and homepage URL, if available. It should be sent to:

Positions in Division 1: Erika Micheli at micheli.erika@uni-mate.hu

Positions in Division 2: Ryusuke Hatano at hatano@chem.agr.hokudai.ac.jp

Positions in Division 3: Bal Ram Singh at balram.singh@nmbu.no

Positions in Division 4: Damien Field at damien.field@sydney.edu.au

The timeline is as follows:

30 April 2021                – call for nominations ends

2 June 2021                   – list of candidates and their biographies available

1 September 2021       – voting system will open

31 December 2021        – voting system will close

28 February 2022           – announcement of new IUSS officers

We look forward to receiving your nomination!


IUSS Bulletin 138 – Request for contributions

All IUSS members are kindly invited to submit their contributions for our next IUSS Bulletin 138 (to be published in June) at their earliest convenience, but no later than 17 May 2021, to iuss@umweltbundesamt.at. We are looking forward to receiving your conference/meeting reports and reports on activities dedicated to the International Decade of Soils (2015-2024) as well as any other information you would like to share with the international soil science community. Also, we would like to continue to give room to national soil science societies to present their recent activities. Please make sure to send high-resolution photos only together with the copyright information (owner of the photos).


Kubiëna Medal 2022 – extension for submission of nominations

The Kubiëna Medal award is conferred by the IUSS Soil Morphology and Micromorphology Commission to commemorate Walter L Kubiëna for his distinguished contribution to soil micromorphology. This IUSS medal is awarded for outstanding and sustained contribution in the discipline of soil micromorphology.

Read more: https://www.iuss.org/about-the-iuss/awards-prizes/medals/kubiena-medal/

How to apply

The nominees may be proposed by institutions, societies, commissions and working groups of the IUSS, and individuals. Members of the Award committee are not eligible to make nominations or second nominations.

The proposal for nomination must be submitted to the Award committee chair, and should include:

  1. Statement of key achievements and career highlights of the nominee (1 page) 2. Curriculum vitae detailing career history and publication record of the nominee 3. Name of proposer and seconder for the nominee 4. Any other relevant information in support of the nominee 5. Full address and contact details of the nominee

Applications are due May 31, 2021. Send by email applications to: Prof. Fabio Terribile fabio.terribile@unina.it


Call for Nominations: Dokuchaev, Von Liebig, and IUSS Jeju Awards

At each World Congress of Soil Science IUSS presents three awards to recognize outstanding contributions in basic and applied research and to an early-career scientist:

IUSS Dokuchaev Award for basic research in soil science

IUSS Von Liebig Award for applied research in soil science

IUSS Jeju Award for an early-career scientist’s contributions to the IUSS mission

Eligible nominees and nominators must be members of the IUSS. Each award consists of a medal, plaque or equivalent, a certificate, a US$ 1000 honorarium, and financial support to attend the award presentation ceremony at the World Congress of Soil Science. Nomination procedures are on the IUSS Website. Go to https://www.iuss.org/about-the-iuss/awards-prizes/awards/ and then click on “Read more” next to each award description for additional details. On each award page click on “Criteria & Guidelines” to learn about eligibility requirements and nomination procedures for that award. Award nominations are due one year before the beginning of the next WCSS. The next WCSS is scheduled to begin in Glasgow, Scotland, on 31 July 2022. Therefore, nominations are due 31 July 2021. Nominators who have submitted previous nominations are encouraged to submit the nomination again. For further information, please contact Tom Sauer (tom.sauer@usda.gov), Chair of the IUSS Committee on Awards and Prizes.


Call for applications for the Dan H. Yaalon Young Scientist Medal

An award by the IUSS Division 1: Soils in Space and Time and Commission 4.5: History, Philosophy and Sociology of Soil Science.

Nomination The Dan H. Yaalon Young Scientist Medal is awarded once every four years at the World Congress of Soil Science. Next time will be at the 22nd World Congress at Glasgow in 2022

Applications Please send applications to the nomination committee c/o Karl Stahr kstahr@uni-hohenheim.de or mail to: Prof. Dr. Karl Stahr Universität Hohenheim (310a) D 70593 Stuttgart Germany.

Criteria for the selection of nominees for the Dan Yaalon Young Scientist Medal A nominee should have the following qualifications:


-) be a researcher in her/his early scientific career, i.e., PhD student or postdoc researcher within the first 5 years after PhD graduation and,

-) be an active member of a national soil science society and/or the International Union of Soil Science and,

-) have published in at least one of the following fields: Soil morphology, Soil micromorphology, Soil geography, Soil genesis, Soil classification, Pedometrics, Palaeopedology, History of soil science, Philosophy of soil science, Sociology of soil science, and

-) either have made a significant contribution that advanced any field of soil science as presented above, or compiled a body of work that has advanced the science, success, methodology, or use of the above fields. The medal is not awarded posthumously. Current officers of IUSS Divisions, Commissions and Working Groups cannot be nominated.

Nomination procedure The nominees may be proposed by institutions, societies, commissions and working groups of the IUSS, and by individuals. Self-nomination is not encouraged. The proposal for nomination should include a short justification, including the main steps of the scientific career of the nominee, his/her main scientific publications and the major contribution(s) to the development of one or more of the following fields: Soil morphology, Soil micromorphology, Soil geography, Soil genesis, Soil classification, Pedometrics, Palaeopedology, History of soil science, Philosophy of soil science, Sociology of soil science. The deadline for nominations is November 1, 2021. The nominees will be notified on February 1, 2022. The medalist name will be announced in the following IUSS alert. The presentation of this medal will be take place at the 22nd World Congress in Glasgow, Scotland on August 1, 2022.

For further information please visit: http://www.iuss.org/index.php?article_id=631

[By the Dan Yaalon Young Scientist Medal Award Committee]


IUSS-WASWAC Memorandum of Understanding

The International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) and the World Association for Soil and Water Conservation (WASWAC) agreed on a Memorandum of understanding (MOU). The MOU was signed by the presidents of these two organisations: Dr. Laura Bertha Reyes Sánchez (IUSS) and Dr. Duihu Ning (WASWAC).

With the signing of this MOU, the IUSS takes a further step towards the actual construction of alliances that allow us, together with the Societies, Associations, and related Organizations, to face in an interdisciplinary way both the present challenges of the management and use of the soil resource and the great future challenges associated with achieving the soils’ sustainability. #TheSoilIsLife #TogetherWeAreStronger.

Read more: http://www.waswac.org.cn/waswac/LatestNews/webinfo/2021/03/1616871944456697.htm


News from IUSS Commission 1.6 Paleopedology

Dear friends of paleopedology!

Unfortunately, all over the world situation with the COVID-19 outbreak remains rather tough and uncertain, which does not look promising about face-to-face scientific events this year. In these circumstances, neither visa support nor safe travel and stay in Russia can be provided by organizers of IUSS Paleopedology Commission and INQUA Paleopedology Working Group regular event XIVth International symposium and field workshop on paleopedology. It was shifted to 2021, and now we are forced to shift it again to August 2022 (hopefully it will be possible that time). We are deeply sorry about it! We are sure that sooner or later we will get back to a normal style of life where face-to-face meetings, and particularly so important for all of us field workshops will be possible again.

Meanwhile, to compensate somehow a year gap in alive active communication, the IUSS Commission 1.6 Paleopedology and the INQUA Paleopedology Working Group together with the IGRAS and UNAM have decided to organize a three-day on-line meeting with scientific sessions: «Paleosols and ancient societies: from early humans to the industrial revolution» Please, find the 1st announcement and call for papers in the attachment.

Please, find below a brief overview of on-line events where paleopedology-related sessions are scheduled.

There are a few interesting sessions at EGU, April 19-30, in SSS3 – Soils as Records in Time and Space. The program is already compiled, you can find it here: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU21/sessionprogramme#SSS3

There is no notion that you can participate only by being included in the program. To participate in the on-line sessions, you should be registered https://egu21.eu/register.html . Registration is free for all students, PhD candidates from middle-income countries, for all participants from low- & lower-middle income countries, and EGU emeritus. But as I understood you should still pay the annual membership fee for 2021 to the European Geosciences Union.

The Eurosoil 2021 Geneva Virtual Congress, 23-27 August 2021. It is possible to submit a late breaking contribution for consideration by the convenors before 3 May 2021, Midnight CET.  The list of all available sessions and descriptions can be found here https://eurosoil-congress.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/EUROSOIL-2021-Geneva-Sessions-descriptions-VIRTUAL-26-Feb-2021.pdf

The paleosol session is 6.13 Soil archives to understand future changes of climate, landscapes, and the pedosphere guided by Tobias Sprafke, Danieal Sauer and me. Please, contact Tobias if you like to contribute: tobias.sprafke@giub.unibe.ch

The International Conference on Soil Micromorphology (ICoSM), Kraków, Poland, is postponed to 2022.

Let me remind you that we are collecting materials for the next Newsletter, which is planned for June. Please, send any relevant materials: news, new publications, ideas, art etc. to newsletter.com1.6@gmail.com

If you care about global awareness for pedology and paleopedology, you are most welcome to take action and join us twice a year in producing Paleopedology Newsletter. For joining the editorial board, please contact Danny Itkin: danitkin@gmail.com

I’d like to draw your attention to our Twitter account. Due to the efforts of Danny Itkin running news are published here: https://twitter.com/6Commission

Maria Bronnikova, Chair of IUSS Commission 1.6 Paleopedology


News from national and regional soil science societies

Dokuchaev Society of Soil Science, Russia

For the 175th birth anniversary of V. Dokuchaev the Central Soil Museum created a presentation about this great scientist.

Read more: http://soil-museum.ru/en/

XXIV Dokuchaev International Scientific Conference for young Scientists

The Organizing Committee of the International Scientific Conference XXIV Dokuchaev Conference for Young Scientists, have invited the IUSS President as principal speaker of the opening Plenary Ceremony, on March 1, 2021 in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Read more: https://www.iuss.org/media/dokuchaev_conference_for_young_scientists.pdf

Soil Science Society of America

IUSS and the U. S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, invite you to collaborate to construct a list of soils repositories/soil archives in the world by completing this survey https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/5786076/Soil-Repository-Survey by March 31, 2021.

Soil Science Society of Italy

Under the patronage of the IUSS President, the Soil Science Society of Italy invites the soil science community to participate in its International workshop: “Soil Conservation and environmental protection” to be held in Imola from 6 to 8 September 2021.

Read more: https://scienzadelsuolo.org/congressi.php

Soil Science Society of Poland

The Soil Science Society of Poland published an issue dedicated to technogenic soils in the Soil Science Annual journal, entitled Technogenic soils – soils of the year 2020 in Poland. Concept, properties and classification of technogenic soils in Poland.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.37501/soilsa/131609

Read more: http://www.soilsa.com/Issue-4-2020,8068

News from the Latin American Soil Science Society: SLCS

Celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on February 11, convened by the UN, the Latin-American Soil Science Society, as well as the Argentinean Association of Soil Science, joined the Standing Committee for Gender Equality in Science.

Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, Perú and Spain, organized activities celebrating women and encouraging girls to work in Soil Science.

Argentine Association of Soil Science

With the hashtag #WomenInSoilScience, the Argentine Association of Soil Science launched a call to celebrate March 8 International Women’s Day, building a mural with photos of women in soil science, and invited the President of the IUSS to be part of this activity with her photos and a message to Latin-American women.

Read more (in Spanish only): http://www.suelos.org.ar/sitio/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Laura-Berta-Reyes-Sanchez-Mensaje-para-la-AACS-LBRS-8M.pdf



Brazilian Soil Science Society
The Brazilian Soil Science Society organized an Instagram discussion and a celebration, inviting the IUSS President to participate. Through her message, the IUSS president celebrates women and encourages girls to enjoy studying and work in soil science.



The IUSS educative project invites you to visit and explore www.iuss-goes-to-school.org.mx to collaborate on it.

Soil Sciences Societies and organizations who have already joined the project can be found at http://www.iuss-goes-to-school.org.mx/ourpartners/ and the soil sciences educative projects already collaborating are presented at http://www.iuss-goes-to-school.org.mx/soil-sciences/.

We invite all National Soil Science Societies to join us in this educational effort!


General News

Soil Pollution Report

United Nations Environment Assembly of the United Nations Environment Programme edited report on Progress in the implementation of resolution 3/6 on managing soil pollution to achieve sustainable development.

The release of the report is planned for during #WorldEnvironmentDay celebration on 5th June.

Read more: https://wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/34634/K2002611.pdf?sequence=54&isAllowed=y&fbclid=IwAR39oG9d-HhrFh9_iKD6wqpMQ_sK3G5tnxgOmMY3si3WJ4HO0uGP2JuU6K0


Healthy soil definition

The concept of what is a healthy soil was not officially defined until now, although it has been used for a decade. “The ability of the soil to sustain the productivity, diversity, and environmental services of terrestrial ecosystems” by the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils.

Read more:



New infographic on soil and SDGs

#HealthySoil is capable of providing most terrestrial ecosystem services and contributes to achieve the SDGs and human well-being.

Read more: http://www.fao.org/3/cb1928en/CB1928EN.pdf page 128


Why is pH so important and a sign of soil health

It influences the availability of nutrients in the soil and the health of the animals and plants that live in it.

Find out more on soil pH http://www.fao.org/3/ca7162en/ca7162en.pdf


Arable lands under the pressure of multiple land degradation processes. A global perspective

While agricultural systems are a major pillar in global food security, their productivity is currently threatened by many environmental issues triggered by anthropogenic climate change and human activities, such as land degradation. However, the planetary spatial footprint of land degradation processes on arable lands, which can be considered a major component of global agricultural systems, is still insufficiently well understood. This study analyzes the land degradation footprint on global arable lands, using complex geospatial data on certain major degradation processes, i.e. aridity, soil erosion, vegetation decline, soil salinization and soil organic carbon decline.



African Scientists Directory

A kind reminder to all ISC Members to consider consulting the African Scientists Directory, which was launched in 2020, should you be looking for an African voice to advance your science or to strengthen your scientific union or organization. We encourage all individuals with scientific expertise who are based in Africa to join the directory, and encourage our Members to share the link with their networks: https://africanscientists.africa/.

[From: ISC Newsletter, 1 March 2021]


NSF Agricultural Microbiome RCN Requests Feedback

The NSF-funded Agricultural Microbiomes Research Coordination Network (Ag Microbiomes RCN) is launching a community-wide survey to assess the current state of the science. This 10-minute survey will build engagement within this research community.

Complete the survey: https://umn.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4I0PPZqYL0hs7Jk

[From: ASA-CSSA-SSSA Science Policy Report: 3 March 2021]


More than one-third of corn belt farmland has completely lost its carbon-rich topsoil

According to University of Massachusetts Amherst research, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has significantly underestimated the true magnitude of farmland erosion. In a new paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, research conducted by UMass Amherst graduate student Evan Thaler, along with professors Isaac Larsen and Qian Yu in the department of geosciences, developed a method using satellite imagery to map areas in agricultural fields in the Corn Belt of the Midwestern U.S. that have no remaining A-horizon soil.

Read more: https://scitechdaily.com/more-than-one-third-of-corn-belt-farmland-has-completely-lost-its-carbon-rich-topsoil/

[From: ASA-CSSA-SSSA Science Policy Report: 17 March 2021]


Legumes get help from soil biodiversity to reduce effects of climate change

Global environmental change, including factors such as drought, nitrogen (N) deposition and warming, has been shown to threaten plant and soil biodiversity. It is well known that global change can dramatically alter plant community composition, and reduce ecosystem functions as a result of plant diversity loss. However, whether soil biodiversity loss can further influence plant community responses to global change is still poorly understood.

Read more: https://www.globalsoilbiodiversity.org/blog-beneath-our-feet/2021/2/15/legumes-get-help-from-soil-biodiversity-to-reduce-effects-of-climate-change

[From GSBI Newsletter – March 2021]


Next Episode of “Life in the Soil” Podcast Available

Check out the latest episode of “Life in the Soil”: Methods – How to Explore a Microscopic World by Dr. Matthias Rillig and colleagues.

Listen to the podcast: https://soundcloud.com/mrillig/life-in-the-soil-ep4-methods

[From GSBI Newsletter – March 2021]


PERSAM tool for predicting environmental concentrations of pesticides in topsoil

In support of the EFSA Guidance Document for predicting environmental concentrations of active substances of plant protection products and transformation products of these active substances in soil (EFSA, 2017) and following valuable input from the PERSAM users, the software tool has been updated and a new version is now available on the ESDAC website. The PERSAM tool assists the users in performing calculations using the analytic model.

Read more: https://esdac.jrc.ec.europa.eu/content/european-food-safety-authority-efsa-data-persam-software-tool [From ESDAC Newsletter No 129 (April 2021)]


SOLACE project: Understanding the links between Soil pollution and CancEr

SOLACE is a JRC Exploratory Research Project that will investigate potential relationship between the occurrence of specific cancers and levels of soil pollution. The Project aims to develop a methodology that moves from measures of concentrations of carcinogenic substances in soil towards the identification of hazards and risk analysis that may help explain eventual potential pathways that cause cancers (i.e. soil-plant-food, erosion by wind and water, etc.). The project will investigate the potential links between contaminated soils as an environmental driver for cancer cases.

Read more: https://esdac.jrc.ec.europa.eu/projects/solace

[From ESDAC Newsletter No 129 (April 2021)]


Conferences, Meetings and Workshops

The outbreak of the Corona virus is clearly a rapidly evolving situation. The organizers of the meetings listed below are constantly reviewing the situation in the light of global and country-specific advice to inform decisions to minimize the additional risks to attendees, their communities and those living in the meeting’s host country.

The IUSS will also continue to monitor the situation, and advise that prior to attending meetings our members review up to date information from their country’s government, the WHO and from the host country to ensure that everyone’s health and wellbeing remains a priority.


International Paleopedology meeting

Paleosols and ancient societies: from early humans to the industrial revolution

June 10-11, 2021

Online conference

Abstract reception until May 15, 2021

Program publication: June 1, 2021

Read more: https://www.iuss.org/media/1st_announcement_paleopedology_ss.pdf


The Eurosoil 2021 Geneva Virtual Congress needs your voice – spread the word and join us online!

August 23-27, 2021

Online event

Join us for this virtual collaborative journey in Connecting People and Soil online in 2021 as we share research globally and maximise opportunities for interaction and networking.  The future of sustainable soil management and its impact on all industries is crucial to every person on the planet and we need as many voices as possible to spread this important message.  Eurosoil 2021 programme is structured around, but not limited to, selected Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.

Late Breaking Contribution Submissions Deadline: 3 May 2021 Early Bird Registration Deadline: 26 May 2021 Regular Registration Deadline: 18 August 2021

Conference website: https://eurosoil-congress.com/


International workshop “Soil Conservation and environmental protection”

6-8 September 2021


Recently, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) highlighted that Europe has a reference legislation for safeguarding water and air quality and that no legislation, until now, concerns soil quality. Moreover, in the last ten years the areas at desertification risk have increased by approximately 1.8 million hectares. The goal of the workshop is to provide methodologies, tools and data to land managers and administrators aiming at a sustainable management and conservation of the soil, a primary and limited resource.

Deadline for early bird registration: May 31, 2021

Deadline for abstract submission: June 15, 2021

Read more: https://scienzadelsuolo.org/congressi.php


Global Symposium on Salt-Affected Soils

October 27-29, 2021

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

The IUSS together with FAO-GSP and the Government of Uzbekistan invites you to participate in the Global Symposium on Salt-Affected Soils.

Read more: http://www.fao.org/global-soil-partnership/resources/events/detail/en/c/1264612/


1st International Joint Congress on “Sustainable Management of Cultural Landscapes in the context of the European Green Deal”

10 – 14 November 2021


Santo Stefano di Camastra, Sicily, Italy


!Postponed from October 2020!

On behalf of the ESSC (European Society for Soil Conservation), the EURECYS (European Ecocycles Society) and the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to attend the 1st International Joint Congress on “Sustainable Management of Cultural Landscapes in the context of the European Green Deal”.

The objective of the congress is to shed new light on critical issues concerning the exploitation of ecosystem services, conservation of cultural heritage and to assess new perspectives to the future development of the cultural landscapes in the context of the European Green Deal.

The Congress is open to scientists, students, educators, managers, policy and decision-makers. It will consist of invited lectures, scientific sessions with oral and poster presentations, and a scientific and cultural excursion.

Contact: Prof. Carmelo Dazzi, carmelo.dazzi@unipa.it

Deadline for submission of abstracts is 31st of July 2021

Website: https://www.ecocycles.net/ESSC-EURECYS-Congress/


For the complete list of upcoming events, please see the event calendar on the IUSS website: https://www.iuss.org/meetings-events/


New publications

The Soils of Japan

Edited by Hatano Ryusuke, Shinjo Hitoshi, Takata Yusuke. 1st ed. Published in March 2021 by Springer, XXIII, 372 p. 248 illus., 140 illus. in colour, ISBN 978-981-15-8229-5, price hardcover 139,99 € | £119.99 | $169.99, eBook: 117,69 € | £95.50 | $129.00.

This book provides an overview of the distribution, properties, and function of soils in Japan. First, it offers general descriptions of the country’s climate, geology, geomorphology, and land use, the history of the Japanese soil classification system and characteristics and genesis of major soil types follow. For each region – a geographic/administrative region of the country – there is a chapter with details of current land use as well as properties and management challenges of major soils. Maps of soil distribution, pedon descriptions, profile images, and tables of properties are included throughout the text and appendices.

Read more: https://www.springer.com/de/book/9789811582288


The Soils of Aotearoa New Zealand

By Hewitt, Allan E., Balks, Megan R., Lowe, David J.; 1st edition published in March 2021 by Springer, XX, 332 p. 192 illus., 147 illus. in colour, ISBN 978-3-030-64763-6, price hardcover £ 119,99 | CHF 165,50 | 139,99 €.

This book offers an introduction to the soils of Aotearoa New Zealand, structured according to the New Zealand soil classification system.  Starting with an overview of the importance and distribution of New Zealand soils, it subsequently provides essential information on each of the 15 New Zealand soil orders in separate chapters. Each chapter, illustrated with diagrams and photographs in colour, includes a summary of the main features of the soils in the order, their genesis and relationships with landscapes, their key properties including examples of physical and chemical characteristics, and their classification, use, and management. The book then features a chapter on soils in the Ross Sea region of Antarctica and concludes by considering New Zealand soils in a global context, soil-formation pathways, and methods used in New Zealand to evaluate soils and assist in land-management decisions.

Read more: https://www.springer.com/de/book/9783030647612


Sustainable Management of River Oases along the Tarim River/China (SuMaRiO)

Ed.: Bernd Cyffka; Markus Disse; Florian Betz (2021). Published by Schweizerbart in March 2021 in the series Konzepte für die nachhaltige Entwicklung einer Flusslandschaft, volume 13, ISBN 978-3-510-65432-1, 208 pages, 126 figures, 32 tables, price: 49.90 EUR.

This book discusses approaches to sustainable management of river oases along the Tarim River located in Xinjiang (northwest China). The Tarim Basin is one of the most arid regions in the world. Originating from the snow and glacier melt in the mountains it is the only relevant source of freshwater in this extreme environment – both for anthropogenic needs in agriculture and the natural ecosystems of the Tarim River floodplains.

11 German and 6 Chinese universities and research institutes have formed the SuMaRiO consortium (Sustainable Management of River Oases along the Tarim River) to investigate sustainable water- and land-management strategies for this region.

Read more: https://www.schweizerbart.de/9783510654321/Sustainable_Management_of_River_Oases_al


Naissance et évolution des sols (Birth and Evolution of Soils)

By Denis Baize. Quae Editions, specialized in scientific and technical books, has recently published in French Naissance et évolution des sols (Birth and Evolution of Soils). 160 pages, price: 25 EUR, ebook 16.99 EUR.

This book will allow you to discover what is called pedogenesis: the birth and development of soils. Their formation, the role of mineral constituents, the factors and main processes of pedogenesis at work in our temperate climates are explained here simply.

Read more: https://www.quae.com/produit/1669/9782759232659/naissance-et-evolution-des-sols


The Australian Soil Classification

By R Isbell, National Committee on Soil and Terrain. Third Edition, published March 2021 as volume 4 in the series Australian Soil and Land Survey Handbooks by CSIRO Publishing. ISBN: 9781486314775 | 192 pages | 245 x 170 mm, price paperback $ 59.99.

The print edition of this essential reference is flexibound for field work. It is also available as a free eBook.

This third edition provides major updates to the knowledge on Australian soils, including a new soil Order, the Arenosols.

Read more: https://www.publish.csiro.au/book/8016?jid=SOI210316&xhtml=69AB76B2-B14B-4530-BA73-B06C03D01825


Job offers

If you are interested in working in soil sciences and related fields of expertise, please see current job offers at: https://www.iuss.org/jobs/



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For 35 years we have developed, produced and supplied measuring and monitoring systems for Water – Soil – Air.

Visit us at vEGU21 and join our webinar: “Conception of a field experiment in Soil Science” (27.4.21 / 11:00 AM CET).

For more information, ask for your exclusive invitation at www.ecotech.de/egu21 or visit our redesigned webpage.



If you are interested to promote your product or book, event, job call in our Alert, please send an email to .


IUSS Alerts are e-mailed to more than 2,800 individual subscribers and 80 national soil science societies globally. Please forward the IUSS Alerts to your friends and colleagues. Send information for IUSS Alerts to iuss@umweltbundesamt.at
If you would like to receive the monthly IUSS Alert by email, please subscribe here https://www.iuss.org/toolbox/iuss-alert-registration/

The IUSS is on TwitterLinkedIn and Facebook