Taking care of soils since 1924
Category: <span>IUSS Alerts 2017-2020</span>

IUSS Alert 147 (September 2017)

IUSS Alert 147 (September 2017) IUSS News News from the IUSS Website The latest IUSS Fact sheets Soil degradation and desertification, written by IUSS Past President, Prof. Rainer Horn, and on Soil and Health by Ganga M. Hettiarachchi, Chair of IUSS Commission 4.2 Soils, Food Security, and Human Health, were uploaded to the IUSS Website. Read more: http://www.iuss.org/index.php?article_id=647 The …

IUSS Alert 145 (July 2017)

IUSS News IUSS Bulletin 130 now online The most recent IUSS Bulletin is now online, featuring a variety of articles from an activity report of the IUSS Secretariat, the Minutes of the IUSS Council meetings which took place during the IUSS Inter-Congress Meeting in Rio de Janeiro, activities and recent achievements during the International Decade of Soils (2015-2024), …

IUSS Alert 144 (June 2017)

IUSS News IUSS Bulletin 130 about to go online The most recent IUSS publication is about to go online, featuring a variety of articles from an activity report of the IUSS Secretariat, the Minutes of the IUSS Council meetings which took place during the IUSS Inter-Congress Meeting in Rio de Janeiro, activities and recent achievements during the International …