Taking care of soils since 1924
Category: <span>Soil publications</span>

Publish or perish

Publish or perish is a series of articles that appeared in the IUSS Bulletin from 1999 to 2001. Publish or perish 1. Journal prices and impact. Bulletin of the International Union of Soil Sciences 95: 13-17 Publish or perish 2. How much we write. Bulletin of the International Union of Soil Sciences …

Soils within cities

Global approaches to their sustainable management – composition, properties, and functions of soils of the urban environment Levin/Kim/Morel/Burghardt/Charzynski/Shaw (Eds.), February 2017 by Schweizerbart Science Publishers in the series GeoEcology Essays, 253 pages, 113 figures, 23 tables, ISBN 978-3-510-65411-6. The book can be ordered from the IUSS Secretariat (iuss@umweltbundesamt.at) at the …