Taking care of soils since 1924
Category: <span>Soil publications</span>

Sustainable soil management as a key to preserve soil biodiversity and stop its degradation

Within the framework of the International Decade of Soils (IDS) 2015-2024 and continuing with the objective of publishing and distributing material relevant to the interests of the IUSS and its members an IUSS Open Access Book Series was launched under a Creative Commons license. This is the first book of …

Salty soil adventures

The IUSS goes to the school IUSS – FAO – GSP children’s book on soil salinization co-published in 2022 This book is the collection of some of the best entries of a scientific children’s booklet contest on salt-affected soils with the motto “Halt soil salinization, boost soil productivity”. It followed …

IUSS 1924-2024

A Centennial documentation of its national members This book traces the history of the National Soil Science Societies that form the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS). The IUSS was established during the Fourth International Conference of Pedology, held in Rome on the 19th of May 1924. At that time, …