WRB Excursion – Peru 2025
The WRB Peru field trip is organized to visit a soil Catena from Puno high plateau (3800 m.a.s.l) to Madre de Dios Region in the Peruvian Amazon Jungle (130 m.a.s.l), from cold and dry high mountains with a glacial landscape nearly to 4900 m.a.s.l. Many soils are formed from glacial, alluvial, colluvial and lacustrine deposits with salts, carbonates and high bases lixiviation processes under variety of climatic conditions from 5ºC to 25 ºC. It is the opportunity to know the Aymara and Quechua prehispanic culture, traditions and monuments in the cradle of the Inca empire and the traditional agriculture ridges Waru Waru and Titicaca lake islands.
The reference soil group will be visited in the excursion include Umbrisols, Regosol, Cambisol, Alisol, Stagnosol, Solonchaks, Phaenozems, Fluvisols, Histosols and Waru Waru soils. Visit the zone around the Titicaca Lake and Titicaca islands soils combined to Amazonas catchment soil catena.
Expression of interest
Please send the following form:
They will be collected until January 31, 2025. The number of places is limited (30 people in total), in case of overbooking, the criteria for selection of participants will be the following:
- First Tour organizers and IUSS officers related to WRB.
- Second PhD and Master students 7 places (25% of the total).
- People who made a significant and major contribution to WRB or its translation.
- Active members of the academic staff of a universities or governmental scientific organizations.
- All others included retired scientists.
The final decision on the participants will be done by the excursion leaders and the Chair of IUSS Working Group World Reference Base, and will be release by March 24, 2025.
Inscription: https://forms.gle/LGbuArb248VvmFKL7
Organizing team
Sandro Sardon Nina. Universidad Nacional del Altiplano de Puno, Perú. ssardon@unap.edu.pe
Juan Carlos Loaiza-Usuga. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia/ University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland. jcloaiza@unal.edu.co