Agricultural Disaster Management in Bangladesh. H. Brammer. The University Press, Dhaka, 1999, xix + 427 p. ISBN 984-05-1448-2. Hardcover.
This book, the third volume of a series on agricultural aspects of Bangladesh, includes selected papers on agricultural disaster management based on the author s thirty-five years experience in agricultural development in Bangladesh. This was a field in which the author did pioneering work: first by analyzing the impacts of natural disasters an agricultural production and indicating practical rehabilitation measures for different kinds of land and soils month by month throughout the year; then by codifying institutional procedures for reporting and assessing crop damage and for organising appropriate relief and rehabilitation measures. Although the information and procedures relate specifically to Bangladesh, the principles described in this book can be applied in other countries, especially in those countries where small-scale farmers predominate.
Part I describes Bangladesh s physical environment, Part II comprises chapters describing procedures for preparing contingency plans, assessing damage, and preparing and monitoring rehabilitation programmes, monitoring and interpreting weather data, plus a chapter describing measures to protect flood-protection, road and railway projects from flood damage. The core of the book is in Part III and deals with the individual kinds of disasters, including floods, droughts and cyclones. Part IV comprises reports made after specific cyclone and drought disasters, while the last chapter sums up the lessons learnt from the author s experience.
Earlier books by H. Brammer were: The Geography of the Soils of Bangladesh (1996) and Agricultural Development Possibilities in Bangladesh (1997).
Orders to: The University Press, P.O. Box 2611, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh. Fax: +88-2-956443. E-mail: Homepage:
Schwermetalle in B den Niedersachsens, Hintergrundwerte f r Schwermetalle in B den Niedersachsens, Schwermetallbelastung in den B den der Talauen des Harzes und Harzvorlandes, Schwermetalle in einem st dtischen Belastungsraum, von J rgen Schneider, herausgegeben in der Reihe: Arbeitshefte Boden des Nieders chsischen Landesamts f r Bodenforschung, Heft 1999/2, 25 S., 3 Abb., 4 Tab., 3 Karten, Hannover 1999.
Vorliegende Publikation befasst sich mit der Bodenbelastung Niedersachsens durch Schwermetalle, gibt hierbei Hintergrundwerte und beschreibt Analyseanforderungen sowie technische Daten bei der Erhebung von Belastungsgr en. Dar ber hinaus wird die Schwermetallbelastung in den B den der Talauen des Harzes und des Harzvorlandes sowie eines st dtischen Belastungsraumes am Beispiel Nordenham aufgezeigt. Die vorliegende Publikation ist allen,, die sich mit Bodenbelastungen von urbanen, peri-urbanen und Naturr umen besch ftigen, zur Lekt re sehr empfohlen.
Zu beziehen bei: E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, (N gele u. Obermiller) Johannesstr. 3 A, D-70176 Stuttgart, Germany.
Preis: 6,39 Euro
Landschaften und B den im Regierungsbezirk Karlsruhe, herausgegeben 1999 vom Regierungspr sidium Karlsruhe. ISBN 3510651928
Die vorliegende Publikation stellt eine umfassende Beschreibung von B den und Bodenlandschaften des oberrheinischen Tieflands, des Schwarzwalds, der G ulandschaften, des Odenwalds, sowie der Keupenh gel- und Berglandregion des Regierungsbezirks dar, mit zahlreichen Bodenabbildungen und Bodenprofilen und zus tzlichen Erl uterungen zur Bodenfunktion, zur Geologie und zu Bodenkennwerten.
Die Publikation stellt somit einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Verst ndnis der kologie eines wesentlichen Teiles von Baden-W rttemberg dar und ist in seinem Aufbau und in seinen Aussagen beispielhaft. Sie wendet sich an die verschiedensten, an Natur und kologie interessierten Leser aller Altersgruppen, sowie Lehrpersonen und solche, die sich fachlich mit der kologie S dwestdeutscher Landschaftsr ume besch ftigen.
Zu beziehen bei: Gebr der Borntr ger, Verlagsbuchhandlung, Berlin und Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Johannesstr. 3 A, 70176 Stuttgart, Deutschland. Preis: 13,80 Euro
“La for t et sa culture sur sol nappe temporaire Contraintes subies, choix des essences, interventions et gestion durable” par G rard L vy et Yves Lef vre avec le concours de la Direction de l’Espace rural et de la For t, Minist re de l’Agriculture et de la P che.
Sols nappe temporaire sont normalement r serv la for t, en raison de leur propri t physique d favorable et sont pour le forestier particuli rement difficile g rer.
C’est la raison pour laquelle ce livre contribue d’une mani re tr s importante comprendre meilleur les relations cologiques complexes entre les for ts et les sols nappe temporaire. L’ouvrage est crit par deux auteurs qui connaissent parfaitement le sujet trait auquel ils ont consacr avec leur quipe beaucoup d’ann es de recherche. C’est pourquoi cette ouvrage rendra le plus grand service aux forestiers de terrain confront avec la gestion du sol a nappe temporaire, parce qu’il trouveront de judicieux conseils sur la choix des essences, la conduite des peuplements, et aussi sur les m thodes d’am lioration les mieux adapt es aux diff rents situations cologiques.
Le livre est diffus par le Service dition de l’ cole nationale du G nie rural, des Eaux et des For ts de Nancy,14, rue Girardet, CS 4216, 54042 Nancy CEDEX, un prix de 220 FF.
Conservation Tillage in U.S. Agriculture. Environmental, Economic, and Policy Issues. N.D. Uri. Food Products Press, Binghamton, 1999, xi + 130 p. ISBN 1-56022-884-9. Hardcover.
Soil erosion from croplands in the United States of America has long been recognized as a national problem. The present book is a study of the costs and benefits of using conservation tillage to prevent soil erosion. Designed for professionals working in the areas of soil science, agronomy, economy, environment and agriculture, this book covers subjects from machinery and trends in conservation tillage to their adoption and use in regions of the U.S. In this manual different types of tillage and the many benefits this practice can assure are examined. Areas covered are improving water quality, increasing soil organic matter, sequestering carbon, and providing habitat and food for wildlife. Case studies on costs and benefits of different conservation tillage practices with various crops deal with conditions in U.S. This book is certainly also of interest for professionals in other regions of the world where conservation tillage is becoming an issue.
Price: USD 59.95, outside US, Canada and Mexico USD 72.00. Plus postal charges.
Orders to: The Haworth Press, 10 Alice Street, Binghamton, NY 13904-1580, USA. Fax: +1-607-722-5857. E-mail: Homepage:
Sizes and Shapes of Humic Substances. Special Issue of Soil Science, vol.164, no. 11, pp.775-870. November 1999. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore. ISSN 0038-075X.
This series of papers, assembles by C.E. Clapp and M.H.B. Hayes, focuses on considerations of the sizes and shapes of humic macromolecules. The initiative arose because of the divergent views held by participants at a symposium in October 1997. The various concepts arose from studies of different soils using different experimental techniques. The matter/controversy can best be resolved when data are available from applications of the same advanced techniques and procedures to a variety of humic substances from different sources.
The present collection of papers summarizes the status of the concepts and illuminates the controversy of size and shape of the molecule. The views expressed may stimulate researchers to pool their views, skills, and instrumentation and set about finding a solution to this fundamental aspect of humic structures.
Price: USD 26.00.
Orders to: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 351 West Camden Street, Baltimore, MD 21201-2436, USA. Fax: +1-301-824-7390. Homepage:
User Requirements Study for remote sensing based spatial information for the sustainable management of forests. Final Report. ITC, FAO, IKC Natuurbeheer, a.o., 1999, xi + 25 p.
This study originated from problems observed in relation to information availability for decision-making purposes in sustainable forest management as a result of experiences gained in international programmes and processes over the past decades worldwide. A solution to the problems observed was suggested through the FAME (Forest Assessment and Monitoring Environment) concept, comprising an end-to-end forest assessment and monitoring system. This is an integrated system, with functions for image data input, transmission, acquisition, processing, modelling and archiving, including the education and training required for these purposes. The study aimed to address the following issues: (1) Assessment of requirements for spatial information in order to support sustainable forest management; (2) Preliminary evaluation of the extent to which the requirements for spatial information can be met by existing and planned remote sensing systems; and (3) Identification of the requirements for, and components of, an improved information supply mechanism in the form of an end-to-end information system. The International Institute carried out the study for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC), The Netherlands, in cooperation with many organizations and institutes. The final report is supplemented with eight technical documents. The study has revealed a substantial and urgent global need for spatial data and information on forests. This need is particularly observed at a local level and at sub-national levels All themes that require spatial information are relevant, irrespective of level. Site information needs include topography, hydrology, soils and geomorphology. Most important are the themes of land and forest cover, and forest degradation. The information requirements in all cases refer to both state and change parameters. The results of the study have been laid down in a Final Report and in Technical Documents, which can be downloaded from the ITC URL: A limited number of hard copies is available.
Requests to: Mr. S. Beerens, ITC, P.O. Box 6, 7500 AA Enschede, The Netherlands. Fax: +31-53-4874436. E-mail: Homepage:
Perspectives on Biodiversity. Valuing its Role in an Everchanging World. National Research Council. National Academy Press, Washington, 1999, xii + 153 p. ISBN 0-309-06581-X.
This report reviews current understanding of the value of biodiversity and the methods that are useful in assessing that value in particular circumstances. Many federal agencies and state natural resources agencies in the USA have lands held in large blocks where biodiversity can be protected and maintained. Taken together, theses lands collectively identify a developing national system of potential biodiversity reserves. Their importance aesthetically, economically, and biologically should not be undervalued. Conservation of biodiversity does not enter into resource-management decisions in only one way. It is vital element in sustaining natural processes. The intent of this report is to provide perspectives on biodiversity that resource managers can consider in making decisions. The different approaches to valuing biodiversity are discussed throughout the report. Case studies are used to show that no single list of tools can be used but that a broad range of information on biodiversity, including differing views and values of biodiversity should be taken into account. Although this is a book about conditions in the United States, the ideas put forward are of interest to resource managers in other countries.
Price: USD 37.00, plus handling and postal charges.
Orders to: National Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW, Lockbox 285, Washington, DC 20055, USA. Fax: +1-202-334-2451. Homepage:
Nature and Human Society. The Quest for a Sustainable World. Proceedings of the 1997 Forum on Biodiversity. Peter H. Raven, editor. Tania Williams, Associate Editor. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1999, xii + 625 p. ISBN 0-309-06555-0. Hardcover.
The extent and variability of life on Earth is referred to as biodiversity . Scientists in many disciplines have engaged in extensive exploration of biodiversity. Many advances have been made since the National Forum on BioDiversity was held in 1986. Although our collective knowledge is growing rapidly, many scientific advances are still needed, and much current information is not widely known beyond the community of scientists who study biodiversity. The Second National Forum on BioDiversity was held in 1997. It provided a venue for the world s leading experts in the biodiversity sciences, ranging from agronomy to zoology, to discuss their understanding and future scientific directions. The forum had three goals: (1) review state-of-the-art science that helps us to understand Earth s biological diversity; (2) engage scientists and non-scientists in a discussion of what science is, how it works, and the issues that scientists should address, including issues of practical importance to the public; and (3) make the information available accessible to the general public in an understandable way. This proceeding s volume accomplishes that goal. It is derived from the research literature and forum activities, and it explains biodiversity in lay terms.
Price: USD 79.95, plus handling and postal charges.
Orders to: National Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW, Lockbox 285, Washington, DC 20055, USA. Fax: +1-202-334-2451. Homepage:
Sustainable Land Management for the Oxisols of the Latin American Savannas. Dynamics of soil organic matter and indicators of soil quality. R. Thomas and M.A. Ayarza, editors. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, 1999, viii + 231 p. CIAT publication 312. ISBN 958-694-011-X. Softcover.
The Oxisols (Ferralsols) cover very large areas in the tropics. They are characterized by a good physical structure, but low fertility and high acidity. They are susceptible to erosion. In Latin America, most of these soils are found in the savannas of Brazil, the Cerrados. It is estimated that as much as 40 percent of the total area of 98 million hectares under these soils is degraded due to loss of organic matter, soil compaction and erosion, weed invasion, pest and deseases, contamination of rivers, destruction of native vegetation and loss of biodiversity. The main objective of the project reported about in this book was to study the dynamics of soil organic matter in Oxisols.
To halt or reverse land degradation, farmers, extension workers, and policymakers need early warning signals of land degradation as, by the time this is visible, the costs of remedial treatment are often too high to be implemented. In terms of soil indicators, measurements of bulk soil are often not sensitive enough to detect the initiation of the processes of degradation. This study investigated changes in the bulk soil and its fractions under different land uses to identify more sensitive parameters.
It has 18 chapters and one with general conclusions and further research needs.
Price: In Colombia USD 15, other developing countries USD 16, elsewhere USD 20.
Orders to: CIAT, Publications Distribution Office, Apartado A reo 6713, Cali, Colombia. Fax: +57-2-4450073. E-mail: Homepage:
Systems and Farmer Participatory Research. Developments in Research on Natural Resources Management. S. Fujisaka, editor, with the collaboration of A. Jones. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, 1999, viii + 165 p. CIAT publication 311. ISBN 958-694-009-8. Softcover.
Scientists working for CIAT in Latin America, Asia and Africa are increasingly conducting research that combines natural resources management and germplast improvement. In so doing, scientists are working in interdisciplinary teams, and helping to develop active research partnerships through networks and consortia, and are at the forefront of the continuing development and application of methods such as farmer participatory research (FPR) and geographic information systems (GIs). The objectives of a workshop, held in 1997 in Cali, Colombia, were to foster an exchange of CIAT s experience with different aspects of systems research; analyze its experience with FPR within a systems context; identify priority themes of common interest to CIAT projects; discuss proposals for the future direction of systems research; and consider strategies for ensuring the work s impact. This publication contains the papers presented at the workshop.
Price: In Colombia USD 20, other developing countries USD 24, elsewhere USD 30.
Orders to: CIAT, Publications Distribution Office, Apartado A reo 6713, Cali, Colombia. Fax: +57-2-4450073. E-mail: Homepage:
Agriculture as a mimic of natural ecosystems. Special issue of Agroforestry Systems, vol. 45, ix + 446 p., 1999. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
The aim of this workshop, held in Australia in September 1997, was to explore the concept that by mimicking the structure and function of natural ecosystems it might be possible to improve the sustainability of agriculture across a range of environments. Although many papers are based on conditions in Australia, also other areas of the world (Europe, India, Africa) were being discussed. The proceedings contains the edited presentations at the workshop, arranged in four sections: (1) the ecosystem mimic concept (3 papers); (2) case studies of multi-species systems (6 papers); (3) application of the ecosystem mimic concept to southern Australian agriculture (7 papers) and (4) implications of the mimic concepts (3 papers).
Orders to: In North, Central and South America: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 101 Philip Drive, Norwell, MA 02061, USA. E-mail: In all other countries: Kluwer Academic Publishers, P.O. Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Fax: +31-78-6546474. E-mail: Homepage:
Soil Resources of Europe. European Soil Bureau Research Report No. 6. P. Bullock, R.J.A. Jones and L. Montanarella, editors. The European Soil Bureau, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, 1999, 204 p. Publication EUR 18991 EN. Softcover.
The European Soil Bureau (ESB) was created in 1996 as a network of national soil science institutions. Its main tasks are to collect, harmonise, organise and distribute soil information for Europe. Activities are currently organised through five working groups: the 1 to 1 million European soil database group; the Information Access Working Group (IAWG), the 1:250,000 working group; the soil erosion working group; and the soil analytical methods working group.
The present publication provides an up-to-date account of progress in soil mapping, soil monitoring and database development in the countries of the European Union and EFTA (Iceland, Norway and Switzerland). It is shown in the country reports, forming the bulk of this book, that the availability of soil resources information on maps and in databases is very uneven over the region. Problems in the European context are also related to the lack of harmony in the systems used, including those for soil monitoring. It is also stated that in addition to major reductions in funding by central Governments, one of the major problems in organising national soil mapping programmes, has been the transfer of responsibility from central organisations to regional groups and/or private sector organisations. The book finishes with a chapter on the uses and needs in Europe of soil information, and a listing of conclusions and recommendations.
Orders to: National sales agents of EU publications, or Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.
Modelling of Transport Processes in Soils at various scales in time and space. J. Feyen and K. Wiyo, editors. Wageningen Pers, Wageningen, 1999, 794 p. ISBN 90-74134-76-9. Softcover.
The soil protects to varying degrees the underlying aquifers. The climate, land use and the soil properties determine the amount of fresh water and chemicals that seep into the underground. A good understanding of the filtering and cleaning capacity of the soil is of paramount importance for assessing the vulnerability of the underlying aquifers. This understanding is a must to better define policies for land use, the use of chemicals and the dumping of wastes.
This book forms the proceedings of the International Workshop of EurAgEng s Field of Interest on Soil and Water, held in November 1999 in Leuven, where these issues were discussed. The aims of the workshop were to present the state-of-the-art on (1) the physical and chemical aspects of water and solute transport in soils; (2) scale dependence of soil physical and chemical processes; (3) up-scaling of information; (4) preferred pathways for water and solute flows; (5) parameter identification; (6) soil-rhizosphere interactions; and (7) assessment of uncertainty in model predictions. The proceedings address new process descriptions, methodologies and techniques for the characterisation of model parameters, applicability of simulation models through case studies on calibration and reliability assessment, and uncertainty aspects. Knowledge on transport processes in porous media were presented for problems at local, field and regional scales.
Price: NLG 275.00
Orders to: Wageningen Pers, P.O. Box 42, NL-6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands. Fax: +31-317-426044. E-mail: Homepage:
The Role of Information in Decision Making in Agricultural Research and Practice. Conference issue of the Quarterly Bulletin of the International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists. Vol. 44, nos. 1 and 2, 1999, 153 p. A. P. Powell and B. Schwlindwein, editors. IAALD, ISSN 1019-9926.
The conference with the above title was held in Freising, Germany, in June 1998. The present issue contains 43 full papers or summaries and abstracts of papers organized around 15 topics dealing with decision making in agriculture. The keynote addresses deal with a variety of topics from the role of national and international organisations in this process to electronic products used to help with the process. Much attention was given to issues related to developing countries.
Orders to: Miss Margot Bellamy, IAALD, CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 8DE, UK. Fax: +44-1491-833508. E-mail:
Sistema Brasileiro de Classifica o de Solos. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecu ria (EMBRAPA), Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Solos (CNPS), Rio de Janeiro, 1999, xxvi + 412 p. ISBN 85-7383-056-5.
This publication starts with brief introductory chapters on the use and development of the soil classification systems in Brazil, and especially on the development of the present system, which started in 1978. After a discussion on the diagnostic and other attributes used in the system, the six categoric levels are presented. Recognized are: orders, suborders, great groups, subgroups, families and series. The bulk of the book is concerned with chapters on the 14 orders, and their subdivisions up to the fourth level. The structure for the use of the fifth and sixth level is given, as well as the methods of physical and chemical analytical methods, and the criteria for the use of phases in mapping units. An interesting phase is based on the occurrence of different forms of primary vegetation. The book has 23 colour photographs of soil profiles.
A tribute is paid to Dr. Marcelo Nunes Camargo, who played an important role in the development of the Brazilian soil classification systems.
Orders to: EMBRAPA Produ o de Informa o, Caixa Postal 040315, CEP 70770-901 Bras lia, DF, Brasil. Fax: +55-61-272-4168. E-mail Homepage of EMBRAPA Solos:
TROPENBOS Publications
The Tropenbos Foundation was established in 1988 with as main objectives to contribute to the conservation of tropical rain forests and promote their wise use; and to involve local research institutions in the above objectives and to increase their capacity in this regard. At present, sites are operational in Cameroon, Colombia, C te d Ivoire, Guyana and Indonesia. The headquarters are in Wageningen, The Netherlands. A Newsletter is published regularly. See also homepage:
Monitoring and Modelling Hydrological Fluxes in Support of Nutrient Cycling Studies in Amazonian Rain Forest Ecosystems. Tropenbos Series 17. C. Tob n Marin. Thesis, University of Amsterdam. The Tropenbos Foundation, Wageningen, 1999, xi + 162 p. ISBN 90-5113-035-X. ISSN 1383-6811. Softcover.
This publication gives the results of long-term research on hydrological and nutrient cycling in four undisturbed forest ecosystems in the Colombian Amazon. Amounts
and dynamics of water fluxes in the forest compartments were followed by way of a monitoring programme and through models. The implications of the main findings are reviewed in terms of their implications for nutrient cycling and forest management. The study provided detailed climatic data and information about the hydrological functioning of natural forest ecosystems in the Colombian Amazon. This can serve as a reference for impact studies and may support the development of sustainable forms of land use. Results from the study contribute to enlarging local knowledge related to the hydrological functioning of undisturbed forests in Colombian Amazonia and to better understanding of related processes.
Price: NLG 80.00.
Orders to: see below.
Reduced Impact Logging in the Tropical Rain Forest of Guyana. Ecological, Economic and Silvicultural Consequences. Tropenbos-Guyana Series 6. Thesis, Utrecht University. The Tropenbos Foundation, Wageningen, 1999, viii + 335 p. ISBN 90-393-2185-X. Softcover.
The main objective of the study was to contribute to the formulation of a silvicultural concept under which timber can be extracted from the Greenheart forest in Guyana, and similar forests elsewhere, on a sustained yield basis. The specific objectives were: (1) to describe and understand the impact of the current logging practice on the forest and its consequences for forest recovery and future timber yields; (2) to develop a reduced impact logging system that leaves the forest in a condition that favours a rapid recovery to a state that is silviculturally, ecologically and economically desirable; (3) to analyse the effect of logging intensity on forest recovery and to determine at which intensity the benefit of using reduced impact logging techniques, if any, starts to be compromised; (4) to examine the costs and benefits associated with a change-over from habitual practice to reduced impact logging; and (5) to examine whether or not post-harvest silviculture is an option to increase productivity of logged forest. The findings are reported and summarized in English and Dutch. Two logging systems are proposed, for which cost-benefit ratios were made. The text concludes by outlining a proposed silvicultural concept for greenheart forests including recommendations for a logging regime and monitoring, and defining which elements are missing for the formulation of a complete silvicultural system.
Price: NLG 30.00.
Orders to: The Tropenbos Foundation, P.O. Box 232, 6700 AE Wageningen, The Netherlands. Fax: +31-317-423024. E-mail: Homepage:
Agriculture, Fertilizers and the Environment. M. Laegreid, O.C. Bockman and O. Kaarstad. CABI Publishing in association with Norsk Hydro ASA. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, xxiv + 294 p. ISBN 0-85199-358-3. Softcover.
This textbook provides factual information and a balanced scientific review of the environmental and sustainability issues relating to fertilizer use and how its environmental impact can be minimized. This attractively produced book, suitable for undergraduate and college students in soils, crops and environmental sciences, as well as for agricultural advisers and extension workers, has three parts: (1) global food production and challenges; (2) soil productivity, fertilizer use and the environment; and (3) productivity and sustainability challenges.
Price: GBP 22.50 or USD 40.00.
Orders to: CABI Publishing, CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 8DE, UK. Fax: +44-1491-829292. E-mail: In North and Central America: Oxford University Press, 2001 Evans Road, Carey, NC 27513, USA. Fax: +1-919-677-1303.
Pflanzenbelastung auf kontaminierten Standorten Plant Impact at Contaminated Sites. Internationaler Workshop am 1. und 2. Dezember 1997 am Fraunhofer-Institut f r Umweltchemie und kotoxikologie, Schmallenberg, herausgegeben vom Deutschen Umweltbundesamt. Reihe: Berichte des Umweltbundesamtes, Band 1/99, 1999, II, 302 Seiten, 17×24 cm, kartoniert, ISBN 3 503 04810 3.
Am 1./2. Dezember 1997 wurde im Auftrag des Deutschen Bundesministeriums f r Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit vom Fraunhofer Institut f r Umweltchemie und kotoxikologie in Schmallenberg ein internationaler Workshop ber “Pflanzenbelastung auf kontaminierten Standorten” (“Plant impact at contaminated sites”) organisiert und durchgef hrt. Der Workshop diente dazu, internationale Erfahrungen ber die Belastung von Pflanzen auf kontaminierten Standorten, die Bewertung dieser Kontamination sowie geeignete Ma nahmen der Gefahrenabwehr, insbesondere Dekontaminations-, Sicherungs- sowie Schutz- und Beschr nkungsma nahmen zusammenzutragen, kritisch zu vergleichen und unter dem Gesichtspunkt praktischer Anwendbarkeit auszuwerten. Der Workshop bot dar ber hinaus ein Forum, die Fach ffentlichkeit mit den Grundz gen der deutschen Bodenschutzverordnung, insbesondere mit der Ableitung der Bodenwerte f r den Pflanzenpfad bekanntzumachen, was im Hinblick auf eine optimale kostensenkende Beratung betroffener Grundst ckseigent mer aber auch f r die Entwicklung geeigneter Sanierungsma nahmen geboten erschien. Au erdem wurde der Stand des derzeitigen, praktisch umsetzbaren Wissens dargestellt und dokumentiert. Wissenschaftlern und Beh rden, die sich mit Boden- und Umweltschutz, insbesondere Pflanzenschutz auf kontaminierten Standorten befassen, sowie mit dem Ziel, die Qualit t von B den aufrechtzuerhalten oder wiederherzustellen, bietet dieser Bericht mit einer Auswertung der Ergebnisse dieses Workshops eine wichtige Arbeitsgrundlage.
Preis: DM 86/ATS 628/Sfr 78
Zu beziehen von: Erich Schmidt Verlag, Viktoriastr. 44A, 33602 Bielefeld, Deutschland; Telefax: (+49)-(0)521-583-08-29; Website:
Essential Role of Potassium in Diverse Cropping Systems. Ed. A.E. Johnston, Proceedings of Workshop C, organized by the International Potash Institute at the 16 World Congress of Soil Science, Montpellier, France, 20-26 August 1998. 150 pages.
Contributions by speakers from different countries discuss the following topics: K status and crop response to K in intensive cropping systems with annual crops; The response of permanent crops to K and the need for K under adverse soil and climatic conditions; Economic considerations of K use in relation to further research needs and prospects. The main focus of the publication is to highlight the essential need for potassium within the overall framework of integrated plant nutrient management. Current data from different countries show that there is a considerable imbalance in the ratio of nitrogen to phosphorous, with too little K being applied to crops in most farming systems. The publication will be of interest to a wide range of people involved in ensuring a sustainable supply of wholesome food, including academics, agronomists and advisers, fertilizer production and marketing staff and policy makers.
Price: 15 US$
Orders to: International Potash Institute, P.O. Box 1609, CH-4001 Basel, Switzerland; Fax: (+41)61-261-29-25; E-mail:; Website:
Berechnung von Pr fwerten zur Bewertung von Altlasten Ableitung und Berechnung von Pr fwerten der Deutschen Bundes-Bodenschutz- und Altlastenverordnung f r den Wirkungspfad Boden-Mensch aufgrund der Bekanntmachung der Ableitungsmethoden und ma st be im Bundesanzeiger Nr. 161a vom 28. August 1999. Herausgegeben vom Deutschen Umweltbundesamt.
Autoren: G. Bachmann, R. Konietzka, K. Schneider und J. Oltmanns. 606 Seiten, DIN A5, ISBN 3 503 05825 7.
In der deutschen Bundes-Bodenschutz- und Altlastenverordnung vom 12. Juli 1999 sind Pr f- und Ma nahmenwerte von gro er Bedeutung. Daher wurden Methoden und Ma st be f r die Ableitung der Pr f- und Ma nahmenwerte ( 4 Abs. 5 BBodSchV) im Bundesanzeiger bekanntgemacht. Diese Bekanntmachung verweist ihrerseits wieder auf die vom Bundesamt vorgelegte Arbeitsgrundlage zur Berechnung und Begr ndung der Pr fwerte, wodurch die konkreten Schritte dokumentiert werden, die der Ableitung und Empfehlung eines Pr fwertes zugrunde liegen. Die gro e rechtliche Bedeutung von Pr fwerten wird dadurch unterstrichen, dass ihre ber- oder Unterschreitung in hohem Ma e ber Sanierungskosten entscheidet, wobei im Falle einer berschreitung eine Einzelfallbeurteilung der kontaminierten Fl che rechtlich notwendig ist. Daher ist dieses Loseblattwerk mit den Berechnungsgrundlagen f r alle von Bedeutung, die Boden-Pr fwerte in der Praxis anwenden oder Gef hrdungsabsch tzungen bei Altlasten vornehmen.
Erg nzbare Ausgabe, einschlie lich Grundlieferung und Spezialordner.
Preis: DM 196,- / Euro 100,21 / ATS 1431,- / Sfr 174,-
Zu beziehen von: Erich Schmidt Verlag, Viktoriastr. 44A, 33602 Bielefeld, Deutschland; Telefax: (+49)-(0)521-583-08-29; Website:
Soil Chemistry. Processes and Constituents. G. Filep. Akad mai Kiad (Academy Publishing House) Budapest, 1999, 330 p. ISBN 963-05-7455-1. Hardcover.
The topic of the book is the quantitative characterization of chemical reactions taking place in the soil, as well as the properties of the main soil components.
Outlines are given on the physico-chemical and colloid-chemical regularities necessary for the evaluation of soil chemical processes; the individual reaction types and the mechanism of mass transport are discussed in detail. Attention is focused on the properties and roles of soil colloids, the mechanism of the adsorption of ion exchange, the chemical and colloid chemical interpretation of soil acidity, the evaluation of the acid-base buffer capacity of the soils, as well as on the principles of the modelling of salt and ion transport in soils.The book has 9 chapters: 1. Introduction (5; 21; 1;2); 2. Chemical principles (58; 9; 16; 27); 3. The solid phase of the soil (49; 16; 31; 69); 4. Liquid and gaseous phases of soil (24; 9; 8; 53); 5. Solubility and redox equilibria (36; 4; 13; 27); 6. Soil colloids (25; 5; 13; 20); 7. Adsorption and ion exchange (55; 6; 25; 70); 8. Soil acidity and alkalinity (33; 6; 18; 65); 9. Modelling of solute transport in soil (30; 1; 9; 69). The numbers in brackets express the number of pages, tables, figures and references, respectively.
Price: USD 72.00.
Orders to: Akad mai Kiad , Budapest. H-1117 Budapest, Prielle Korn lia u. 4. Fax: (+36-1) 464-8221. Homepage.
Soil Analysis Handbook of Reference Methods. Soil and Plant Analysis Council, Lincoln. CRC Press, Boca Raton, London, 1999, 300 p. ISBN 0-8493-0356-7.
This book is a standard laboratory technique manual for the most commonly used soil analysis procedures. First published in 1974, this Handbook has changed over the years to reflect evolving needs. New test methods and modifications have been added, as well as new sections on nitrate, heavy metals, and quality assurance plans for agricultural testing laboratories. The book also addresses the major methods for managing plant nutrition currently in use in the United States and other parts of the world. The Handbook provides a complete description of many different soil analysis procedures and places those selected into a standard format and documents the ramifications of each procedure.
Price: USD 69.95, DEM 137.00, GBP 47.00, plus handling and postal charges.
Orders to: CRC Press address see below. In Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia: Springer-Verlag, P.O. Box 140201, D-14302 Berlin, Germany. Fax: +49-30-82787-301. E-mail: Homepage:
Terminology for Integrated Resources Planning and Management. Compiled and edited by K. Choudhury and L.J.M. Jansen. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO), Rome, and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi, 1999, vii + 69 p. Softcover.
Since its appointment as Task Manager for the Implementation of Chapter 10 of UNCED s Agenda 21, FAO has developed an integrated approach to the planning and management of land resources. This approach emphasizes the participation of stakeholders at national, provincial and local levels in planning and decision-making as well as the integration of technical, industrial, legal and socio-economic aspects of the process. Cooperation among experts from various disciplines involved and the integration of the respective results are required in order to identify and evaluate all biophysical, socio-economic and legal attributes of land. The terminology included in this publication should contribute to the creation of a common technical language in land resources planning and management. The terms and definitions included encompass conservation and management of soil, water and vegetation; climate; farming systems; crop production, livestock and fish production; land tenure and sustainable development. As long as stocks last, this useful publication is free of charge.
Requests to: Ms. Louisa Jansen, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, I-00100 Rome, Italy. E-mail: Louisa.Jansen@FAO.Org
The History of Pedology in Russia in the XX Century (Unknown and Forgotten Pages), Part I (in Russian). S.V. Zonn, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1999, 375 pp, softcover.
Beginning with the late nineteenth century, scientific expeditions to remote parts of Russia, to search for land suitable for settlement, introduced Dokuchaev’s ideas to many soil scientists, as depicted in the then new textbook of Sibirtzev. This book is a rambling account of the spread of Dokuchaev’s ideas in Russia during the first half of the twentiethcentury. It deals with many organizational events and their major “actors”, without elucidating the details of their contributions. It mostly cites and refers to articles published in Pochvovedenie, founded in 1899, and from 1930 on also relies on the author’s memory of events. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Glinka was the eminent and most influential Russian pedologist. Some criticism of Dokuchaev’s ideas, e.g. by Kostychev, Nabokikh and partly Kossovich, is also mentioned. After World War I, during the Soviet period, many new institutes and laboratories were founded. Considerable space is devoted to preparations for the first International Congress of Soil Science (Washington, 1927) for which a large number of brochures was prepared in English. Though anticipating strong acclaim, the Russian pedologists were disappointed to find that Dokuchaev’s notions did not dominate western pedology which chose its own direction in soil science. Preparations for the second International Congress (Leningrad Moscow, 1930) started soon thereafter. According to S.V. Zonn it was the second ISSS Congress which showed during field trips to world soil scientists (150 participants) the theoretical and “practical” achievements and superiority of Dokuchaev’s pedology. Russian pedologists demonstrated a better theoretical understanding of soil processes though lacked in analytical data to support them. The Dokuchaev Soil Institute was in a leading role while in Leningrad. Several heated controversies among the renowned Russian pedologists are mentioned. When the Dokuchaev Soil Institute, after its transfer to Moscow, became part of the Academy of Agriculture (where Lysenko dominated) its prestige suffered. By the mid-30ies politization of science dominated its activity and several leading pedologists (Tulaikov, Polynov, Sukachev) were repressed, whereas the Williams School was promoted. Many scientific workers had to adjust in order to survive the ideological terror. Isolation from overseas countries was almost total. This continued in the early post-World War II period. Then many Soviet pedologists started working in communist dominated foreign countries, gaining valuable experience, e.g. with subtropical ferallitization. Regionally, small scale mapping and soil classification occupied many of them. First, the translation of Jenny’s Factors of Soil Formation, and subsequently the gradual acquaintance with new approaches to soil materials (clay mineralogy) and soil processes (pseudogleying, clay illuviation, catenization and isotopic dating all originating in the West) slowly penetrated to the leading pedologists in the 1950ies. The influence of and rivalry between Kovda (Moscow University) and Gerasimov (Institute of Geography, Academy of Science) in spreading these and sponsoring their own new ideas was strong. This is an honest, most valuable account of pedological history in Russia until the late 50ies, worthy of study by those interested in the history of soil science. Only 325 copies were printed. Part II (1999) brings the story to the end of the century.
Dan H. Yaalon
The International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme Book Series.
The IGBP was established by the International Council for Science (IGBP) in 1986 with the aim to describe and understand the interactive physical, chemical and biological processes that regulate the total Earth system, the unique environment that it provides for life, the changes that are occurring in this system, and the manner in which they are influenced by human activities. The IGBP book series started in 1996. Recently were published:
The Terrestrial Biosphere and Global Change. Implications for Natural and Managed Ecosystems. IGBP Book Series 4. B. Walker, W. Steffen, J. Canawell and J. Ingram, editors. Cambridge University Press, 1999, 452 p. ISBN 0-521-62429-0, hardcover; ISBN 0-521-62480-0, softcover.
This synthesis summarizes the international global research effort in the Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems (GCTE) Core Project of the IGBP. Five major thematic areas are covered: ecosystem physiology; ecosystem structure and composition; terrestrial production systems; global biogeochemistry; ecological complexity (biodiversity). A summary of the integrated and interactive effects of global change on the terrestrial biosphere for four key regions of the world is presented, as well as a projection of future trends in the terrestrial component of the global carbon cycle.
Price: GBP 65.00, hardcover; GBP 30.00, softcover.
Orders to: see below.
The Changing Ocean Carbon Cycle. A Midterm Synthesis and the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study. IGBP Book Series 5. R.B. Hanson, H.W. Ducklow and J.G. Field, editors. Cambridge University Press, 1999, 520 p. ISBN 0-521-65199-9, hardcover; ISBN 0-521-65603-6, softcover.
The world s oceans act as a reservoir, with the capacity to absorb and retain carbon dioxide. Variability in the ocean carbon cycle could exert significant feedback effects during conditions of climate change. The Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) is a multidisciplinary programme to address the interactions between the biology, chemistry and physics of marine systems, with emphasis on the transport and transformations of carbon within the ocean and across its boundaries. This volume provides a synthesis of JGOFS science and its achievements to date.
Price: GBP 75.00, hardcover; GBP 35.00 softcover.
Orders to: Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK. Fax: +44-1223-315052. E-mail: Homepage: In North and Central America: Cambridge University Press North American Branch, 40 West 20 Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA. Fax: +1-212-6913239. E-mail: Homepage:
Soil Fertility Initiative for Sub-Saharan Africa. World Soil Resources Report 85. FAO, Rome, 1999, 94 p. ISBN 92-5-104298-5. Softcover.
This publication contains the proceedings of a consultation on the Soil Fertility Initiative (SFI) for sub-Saharan Africa, which was held in Rome in November 1998. The aim of SFI is to act as a catalyst for the development and implementation of comprehensive soil fertility management programmes at the country level. The objective of the consultation was to bring together international and national actors working on aspects of soil fertility and to coordinate their activities in order to benefit from the ensuing synergy.
Price: USD 14.00.
Orders to: see below.
AEZWIN. An interactive multiple-criteria analysis tool for land resources appraisal. World Soil Resources Report 87. G. Fischer, M. Makowski and J. Granat. IIASA and FAO, Rome, 1999, 90 p. ISBN 92-5-104365-5. ISSN 0532-0488. Softcover. With CD-ROM.
Since the early 1980 s, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) have been collaborating on expanding FAO s agro-ecological zones (AEZ) methodology of land resources appraisal by incorporating decision support tools for optimizing the use of these resources. Agro-ecological zoning involves the inventory, characterization and classification of land resources for assessment of their potential for agricultural production systems. The software package documented in this report is an upgraded version for Windows 95 and NT of earlier software developed for an AEZ project in Kenya. This new program features modules for data management land suitability and land productivity assessment and multiple-criteria model analysis (MCMA) tools for land use optimization. The software makes it possible to interactively generate models corresponding to various scenarios of land use and then to analyze these models using the MCMA software tools. A user-friendly interface with on-line tutorial has been implemented in order to permit use of the software also by persons with only very basic computing experience. Good knowledge of the FAO AEZ methodology, as described in the Kenya AEZ study, is required in order to use the system. Full documentation is available from FAO.
Price: USD 25.00.
Orders to: national sales agents of FAO publications. Or: Sales and Marketing Group, Information Division, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy. Fax: +39-6-5705-3360. E-mail: Homepage:
Soil Salinity Assessment. Methods and interpretation of electrical conductivity measurements. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 57. FAO, Rome, 1999, 166 p. ISBN 92-5-104281-0. Softcover.
This paper presents updated technology for assessing soil salinity based on the measurement of electrical conductivity. The technology has been extensively and successfully tested in the field and it a sound, reliable, accurate method, suited to a wide variety of useful applications. The equipment required is commercially available. The instrumental methodology advocated is practical, cost-effective and well developed for all general applications. It is cheaper, faster and more informative than traditional methods, based on soil sampling and laboratory analysis.
Price: USD 15.00.
Orders to: see below.
Irrigation in Asia in figures. Water Report 18. FAO, Rome, 1999, 240 p. ISBN 92-5-104259-4. Softcover.
This publication is the fourth in the series of reports prepared within the framework of FAO s Aquastat programme, aimed at presenting comprehensive picture of water resources development and irrigation, with emphasis on developing countries. This volume presents the results of surveys performed in 1997 and 1998, relying on country-based statistics. A general summary presents a synopsis on water resources development, irrigation and drainage in the region, and country profiles describe the specific situation of each Asian country.
Price: USD 45.00.
Orders to: national sales agents of FAO publications. Or: Sales and Marketing Group, Information Division, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy. Fax: +39-6-5705-3360. E-mail: Homepage:
Modern water control and management practices in irrigation. Impact on performance. Water Report 19. FAO, Rome, 1999, 244 p. ISBN 92-5-104282-9. Softcover.
Water plays a critical role in food production. Irrigated agriculture will have an important role in helping to increase the production of food to meet future demand. This publication reviews irrigation schemes and modernization initiatives worldwide in order to assess and comment on the impact of modern water control and management approaches.
Price: USD 29.00.
Orders to: see below.
Prices: the Prices as given are without shipping costs. Prices may vary per country.
Orders to: national sales agents of FAO publications. Or: Sales and Marketing Group, Information Division, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy. Fax: +39-6-5705-3360. E-mail: Homepage:
The economic assessment of soil nutrient depletion. Analytical issues for framework development. Issues of Sustainable Land Management no. 7. P. Drechsel and L.A. Gyiele. International Board for Soil Research and Management (IBSRAM), Bangkok, 1999, vi + 80 p. ISBN 974-87229-3-7. Softcover.
While there is ample literature on soil nutrient depletion and the benefits of soil organic matter (SOM), there is only sparse reference to the economic assessment of the depletion of soil nutrients and carbon. Most related studies refer to soil degradation in general or soil erosion, as one important process of nutrient depletion. The two major objectives of the present publication are: (1) to provide an overview about the assessment of nutrient depletion and the major processes of nutrient depletion, and (2) to provide an overview on different economic valuation approaches for nutrient depletion, including soil carbon depletion, and thus to add to their discussion. An economic assessment of the costs of nutrient depletion in Sub-Saharan Africa is also given. The study shows that appropriate methods exist to illustrate nutrient and SOM depletion in economic terms. On average, as much as 7 percent of the gross domestic product of many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa is due to the consumption or loss of soil nutrients. This mining process cannot continue indefinitely as the resources will become exhausted.
Price: USD 10.00.
Orders to: IBSRAM, P.O. Box 9-109, Bangkok 10900, Thailand. Fax: +66-2-561-1230. E-mail: Homepage:
Soils and Geomorphology. Third edition. P.W. Birkeland. Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford, 1999, xii + 430 p. ISBN 0-19-507886-1. Softcover.
Although there are many textbooks on soils, there are few that serve the needs of geomorphologists, sedimentologists , environmental geologists, and archaeologists working in Quaternary research. This book is an attempt to fill that gap. The emphasis is on the study of soils in the field. In the first chapters soil morphology, weathering and soil forming processes are discussed, followed by the variation in soils with variation in the soil forming factors. Soil Taxonomy is used throughout. The book ends with a chapter on applications. The focus is on the United States. Appendices give information on soil data that needs to be collected to describe a soil profile adequately, and on the calculation and application of the Profile- Development Index.
Price: USD 49.95, GBP 25.00.
Orders to: Order Department, Oxford University Press, 2001 Evans Road, Cary, NC 27513, USA. Homepage: Or: Oxford University Press Bookshop, 116 High Street, Oxford, OX1 4BZ, UK. Fax: +44-1865-241701. E-mail: Homepage:
Agro-ecological Subregions of India for Planning and Development. NBSS Publication 35. M. Velayutham, D.K. Mandal, C. Mandal and J. Sehgal. National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (NBSS & LUP), Nagpur, 1999, 452 p plus 1 map. ISBN 81-85460-54-X. Softcover.
The agro-ecological methodology provides a tool for delineating homogeneous land units to implement a wide range of land resources applications. The present map, at a scale of 1 to 4 million, is prepared by superimposing the maps of bio-climate and length of growing season on the soil-scape map. It depicts 20 regions and 60 subregions. Climatic data covering 50 years of observation at 350 meteorological stations, and up-to-date soil data were used for this study. The book gives for all the (sub)regions the detailed agro-ecological settings, the land use potentials and constraints, and information on major benchmark soils occurring in the subregion. The book is well-illustrated with many colour photographs of landscapes, land uses and soil profiles.
Orders to: see below.
Soil-Climatic Database for Crop Planning in India. NBSS Publication 53. C. Mandal, D.K. Mandal, C.V. Srinivas, J. Sehgal and M. Velayutham. National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (NBSS & LUP), Nagpur, 1999, 1014 p. ISBN 81-85460-31-0. Hardcover.
It has been estimated that with the increasing human population of India, the per capita cultivable land area has been shrinking from 0.35 ha in the 1950 s, through 0.14 ha at present to an anticipated 0.08 ha by the year 2020. Despite significant growth of agricultural production, the sustainability of some of the cropping systems has been showing signs of fatigue. It was found imperative that soils and climate are inventorized and evaluated for developing soil-site suitability models for different crops. In the present compilation long-term climatic data from 1700 stations are used for the calculation of water balances and calculation of the length of growing period. Case studies for one state (Tamil Nadu) and a District (Nagpur) illustrate the application of the database for crop planning.
Orders to: The Documentation Officer, NBSS & LUP, Amravati Road, Nagpur, 440 010, India. Fax: +91-712-522534. E-mail:
Standard Soil Methods for Long-Term Ecological Research. G. Ph. Robertson, D.C. Coleman, C.S. Bledsoe and Ph. Sollins, editors. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, 1999, xvii + 462 p. ISBN 0-19-512083-3, Hardbound.
This is the second volume in a series about the results of the work of the Unites States Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network. This Network is a collaborative ecological research effort that promotes synthesis and comparative research across disparate ecosystems and ecological research programs. From an initial six sites selected in 1980, the Network has grown to 21 sites, ranging from the arctic tundra to hot desert, from tropical rain forest to suburban watersheds, and it represents the joint efforts of more than 1000 scientists. It is well known that soils present special problems with respect to standardization. It is common to have three or more methods available for measuring a particular soil property. Agreement on a common protocol that will work inmost situations with alternative procedures identified for the odd soil could greatly help to simplify the interpretation of both subtle and major differences that invariably emerge in long-term or cross-site studies. The present volume contains a set of common protocols that could be used to characterize the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil from disparate Network sites. In each of the papers presented, it is attempted to lay out a detailed specific protocol for a number of soil properties known to be ecologically useful. The selected properties are: physical (soil water and temperature status; soil structure and other physical properties); chemical (soil carbon and nitrogen; exchangeable ions, pH and cation exchange capacity; soil phosphorous); biology (soil gases; plant litter stores, decomposition, and nutrient turnover; dinitrogen fixation; soil carbon and nitrogen availability, mineralization en nitrification, and soil respiration; denitrification); soil organisms (determination of microbiomass; characterizing soil microbial communities, soil invertebrates; methods for ecological studies of Mycorrhizae; measurements of root parameters; fine root production and demography). This book is a broadly based compendium of standardized measurement methods for a number of soil properties. As such, it should be widely used and, preferably, expanded. See also the relevant website:, for more details and errata.
Price: GBP 60.00.
Orders to: Oxford University Press Bookshop, 116 Highstreet, Oxford OX1 4BZ, UK. Fax: +44-1865-241701. E-mail: Or: Oxford University Press, 198 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016, USA. Fax: +1-212-726-6440. E-mail: Homepages: and
Policies for Soil Fertility Management. A report for the Department for International Development. C. Toulmin and I. Scoones. International Institute for Environment and Development, London, 1999, 128 p. ISBN 1-8-99825-41-X. Softcover.
Improving soil fertility in African farming syystems has become a major issue of concern on the development policy agenda. A number of international initiatives and donor programmes have been established which aim to address the problem of soil fertility decline, and would imply major investment of public funds. This report reviews the evidence used to define the nature of the soil fertility problem in Africa, and examines a series of case studies to identify key factors, which help explain patterns of soil management. It discusses whether there is a case for public intervention to improve soil fertility and assesses the range of stategies available for encouraging more sustainable soil management practices.
Price: GBP 12.50, free to non-OECD. Special offer: this title plus Nutrients on the Move (see below) GBP 18.00.
Orders to: Drylands Programme, IIED, 3 Endleigh Street, London WC1H 0DD, UK. Fax: +44-207-388-2826. E-mail: Homepage:
Promoting Farmer Innovation. Harnessing local environmental knowledge in East Africa. Workshop Report No. 2. W. Critchley et al., editors. RELMA, Nairobi and UNDP, New York, 1999, xvii + 131 p. ISBN 9966-896-45-7. Softcover.
Successful land husbandry is the key to reversing dryland degradation, attaining food security and promoting sustainable dryland development. The best recipe is to build upon the local knowledge of farmers, pastoralists and other land users. While this is widely recognized and stressed in development circles, there have been few attempts to put this concept into practice. Promoting Farmer Innovation in Rainfed Agriculture (PFI) is the title of an innovative programme developed by the UNDP Office to Combat Desertification (UNSO), which is currently being piloted in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. The goal is to harness the energies, ideas and rich experiences of Farmer Innovators . The Workshop, whose proceedings are given in this publication, held in Dodoma, Tanzania in February 1999, brought together the key partners from the three pilot countries to share experiences and information on progress made in implementing the programme. The book is an introduction to the new approach of harnessing farmer innovation, providing stimulating discussion and serving as a reference on the topic.
Orders to: Regional Land Management Unit, RELMA/Sida, ICRAF House, United Nations Avenue, Gigiri, P.O. Box 63403, Nairobi, Kenya. Fax: + 254-2-520762. E-mail: Homepage:
New Concepts and Approaches to Land Management in the Tropics with Emphasis on Steeplands. FAO Soils Bulletin 75. F. Shaxson. FAO, Rome, 1999, viii + 125 p. ISBN 92-5-104319-1. ISSN 0253-2050. Softcover.
In the tropics most of the steepland areas are settled by small farmers, where livelihoods may be endangered by land degradation and associated loss of agricultural productivity. There is a growing awareness that sustainability of subsistence agriculture on steeplands is steadily deteriorating as a result of rapid population growth and the overexploitation of the land resource base. Given the various limitations affecting steeplands agriculture, few soil management and conservation options remain. This Bulletin brings concepts and principles of good land husbandry into focus, as a basis for developing different ways of thinking about safe management of steeplands within the environmental, cultural and economic context of the farm families that inhabit them. The translation of the concepts and principles of good land husbandry into field practice will require practical actions that are well adjusted to the site and farmer-specific conditions where they would be applied. This publication is well illustrated with tables and photographs, mostly in colour.
Price: USD 45.00.
Orders to: see below.
Land and Crop Management in the Hilly Terrains of Central America. Lessons learned and farmer-to-farmer transfer of technologies. FAO Soils Bulletin 76. R. Barber. FAO, Rome, 1999, vii + 76 p. ISBN 92-5- 104318-3. ISSN 0253-2050. Softcover.
Farmers are constantly being subjected to changes that are beyond their control on account of factors that affect the viability and profitability of their farming enterprises. Therefore, farmers must acquire the capacity to respond to these changing situations and opportunities in order to maximise production. Farmers need to be helped to develop this capability by encouraging their innovations and by involving them in a learning process in which they are exposed to new knowledge and technologies. The present Bulletin is meant as a guideline for those involved in the promotion, planning and implementation of sound agricultural development initiatives in hilly areas. Because of the limited capacity in some government and non-governmental organisations to promote agriculture at an adequate rate, emphasis has been placed on training farmers to act as extensionists and innovators. The main recommendations relate to basic principles of improved crop and land management such as simplified diagnostic procedures, adequate extension and training participatory approaches, adapted and widely-adopted low-cost simple farming activities engendering farmers motivation and self-esteem, credit and market facilities, and simple qualitative methods of evaluating project impact carried out by farmers themselves.
Price: USD 40.00.
Note: the Prices g