Taking care of soils since 1924
Soil science books published in 2000

Soil science books published in 2000

Tropical Ecosystems and Ecological Concepts. P.L. Osborne. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge and New York, 2000, xiv + 464 p. ISBN 0-521-64251-5, hardcover; 0-521-64523-9, Softcover.

Over one third of the earth s terrestrial surface is situated in the tropics, with environments ranging from hot deserts to tropical rain forests. This introductory textbook, aimed at students in tropical ecology, is a guide to the major aquatic and terrestrial biomes in the tropics. Chapters describe the ecology of deserts, grasslands, savannas, tropical rain forests, lakes, rivers and floodplains, maintains, wetlands, mangroves, coral reefs and tropical islands, with descriptive case studies providing a framework around which ecological concepts are presented. Information is also given on the human ecological dimension, with coverage of issues such as population growth, urbanization, agriculture and fisheries, natural resource use and pollution, conservation of biodiversity, climate change, and the concept of ecological sustainability. The text is supported by boxes containing supplementary material on a range of topics and organisms, plus mathematical concepts and calculations, and is enlivened with diagrams, maps and photographs. A cross-referenced glossary, references and an index are included also.

Price: GBP 70.00, USD 110.00, hardcover; GBP 24.95, USD 40.00, softcover.

Orders to: Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK. Fax: +44-1223-315052. E-mail: information@cup.cam.ac.uk. Homepage: www.cup.ac.uk. In North and Central America: Cambridge University Press, 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA. Fax: +1-212-6913-239. E-mail: information@cup.org Homepage: www.cup.org

Rice: Nutrient Disorders & Nutrient Management. A. Dobermann and T.H. Fairhurst. Potash & Phosphate Institute, Potash & Phosphate Institute of Canada, and International Rice Research Institute, 2000, viii + 191 p. ISBN 981-04-2742-5. Softcover. With CD-ROM.

Thirty years ago, persuading rice farmers to use modern varieties and fertilizers was easy, because the yield increases were often spectacular. Fertilizers were subsidized, irrigation facilities improved, rice prices supported, these factors made rice intensification economically attractive. Future yield increases will mostly result from the positive interactions and simultaneous management of different agronomic aspects such as nutrient supply, pest and disease control, and water. Decreasing subsidies and the increasing responsibilities of farmers instead of governments for the maintenance of irrigation facilities means that to achieve the required future increases in rice production, extension services will need to switch from distributing prescriptive packets of production technology to a more participatory or client-based service function. The present handbook and CD-ROM provide a guide for detecting nutrient deficiency and toxicity symptoms and managing nutrients in rice grown in tropical and subtropical regions. Some background information is included on the function of nutrients in the rice plant and possible causes of nutrient deficiencies, together with a description of nutrient deficiency symptoms, the effect of nutrient deficiency on plant growth, and the effect of flooding on nutrient availability. Estimates of nutrient removal in grain and straw have been included, and strategies for preventing and treating nutrient deficiencies are described. The main targets of the handbook are the irrigated and rainfed lowland rice systems. Where appropriate, additional information is given for upland rice or rice grown in flood-prone conditions. The texts are illustrated with many color photographs.

For more information, please contact: tfairhurst@ppi-ppic.org; homepage: www.eseap.org; or e.hetter@cgiar.org; homepage: www.cgiar.com/irri.

Price: HDC: USD 80.00; LDC: USD 20.00; plus postage and handling charges of USD 12.00 for HDC and LDC

Orders to: Ms. Eva B. Ramin, CPS-Marketing and Distribution Unit, IRRI, P.O. Box 3127, Makati Central Post Office, 1271 Makati City, Philippines. Fax: +63-2-761-2404. E-mail: e.ramin@cgiar.org. Or to: Ms. Doris Tan, ESEAP, 126 Watten Estate Road, Singapore 287599. Fax: +65-467-0416. E-mail: dtan@ppi-ppic.org. Homepage: www.eseap.org

Soil Fertility Kit. A toolkit for acid, upland soil fertility management in Southeast Asia. T.S. Dierolf, T.H. Fairhurst and E.W. Mutert. Potash & Phosphate Institute, 2000, x + 149 p. ISBN 981-04-2745-X. Softcover.

In Southeast Asia, the greatest potential for future increases in agricultural production and productivity lies in the 295 million hectares of upland or rainfed land. Most upland soils have a low fertility status and vulnerable to degradation when cleared of the protective forest cover. The major causes for soil erosion and upland degradation in SE Asia are rapid deforestation and poor crop management. Biological, physical and chemical deterioration of these soils mark the onset of a vicious poverty cycle of decreasing yields, income reduction, and environmental destruction, and as a result, most small-scale upland farmers are unable to participate fully in the developing regional market economy. Participatory methods are more suitable than prescriptive packages in upland farming systems development, and technology needs to be developed and tested with the full involvement of local farmers. There is an urgent need for soil fertility recapitalization in the uplands where years of neglect have led to a decreasing soil fertility. The present publication is a compendium of information and methods for managing upland soil fertility in SE Asia. This handbook with its many color photographs, graphs and figures, is a useful toolkit for extension workers, farmers and researchers. Part 1 presents practical tools and participatory approaches for investigation and diagnosis of soil fertility problems in acid, upland soils. Part 2 provides information on the chemical, physical and biological properties of acid, upland soils, and the major causes of soil fertility problems. Part 3 is a compilation of essential information for extension workers and researchers on soil classification, soil/plant sampling and testing, identification of nutrient deficiencies fertilizer recommendations, simple field tests, critical soil/plant nutrient levels, and nutrient uptake and removal in crops. The book also contains a bibliography of relevant publications.

Price: USD 15.00, plus USD 10.00 for postage and handling. Discount for bulk orders of two or more copies. Please apply to Ms. Doris Tan at the address mentioned below.

Orders to: Ms. Doris Tan, ESEAP, 126 Watten Estate Road, Singapore 287599. Fax: +65-467-0416. E-mail: dtan@ppi-ppic.org. Homepage: www.eseap.org

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, Bloomington, July 2000. P.C. Robert, R.H. Rust and W.E. Larson, editors. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America and Soil Science Society of America, Madison, 2001. CD-ROM.

At this well-attended meeting more than 200 oral and poster papers were presented at four concurrent sessions: natural resource variability, managing variability, engineering technology, crop modeling, remote sensing, profitability, environment, technology transfer, and new sessions on geostatistics/sampling, management zones, management of crop qualities, integrated approaches and new applications around the world. Participants were convened in working groups to discuss and make recommendations on needs and use of Decision Support Tools. A summary of the workgroups comments and recommendations are also presented.

Price: USD 14.00.

Orders to: ASA-CSSA-SSSA Headquarters Office, Attn. Book Order Department, 677 South Segoe Road, Madison, Wisconsin 53771-1086, USA. Fax: +1-608-273-2021. E-mail: books@soils.org. Homepage: www.soils.org

Labormethoden-Dokumentation. Geologisches Jahrbuch, Reihe G, Heft 8. J. Utermann, koordinator, unter Mitarbeit von A. Gorny, M. Hauenstein, V. Malessa, U. M ller und B. Scheffer. Bundesanstalt f r Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe und den Staatlichen Geologischen Diensten in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Hannover. E. Schweizerbart sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, 2000, 215 S. ISBN 3-510-95864-0. ISSN 1431-5084. Mit CD-ROM.

Die Staatlichen Geologischen Dienste setzen f r viele Bodenkenngr ssen unterschiedliche bodenanalytische Verfahren ein. In der vorliegenden Labormethoden Dokumentation wird eine Priorit tensetzung in dem Sinne vorgenommen, dass allgemein verwendete Verfahren aufgenommen sind, ohne dabei weniger verbreitete Verfahren unber cksichtigt zu lassen.

Die Labormethoden Dokumentation ist als Datenbank aufgebaut, so dass sie jederzeit um weitere Methoden und/oder Inhalte erg nzt bzw. aktualisiert werden kann. ber eine Methodencode Nummer sind die Methoden direkt mit Analysenergebnissen in Labordatenbanken verk pfbar. Inhaltlich geht die Labormethoden Dokumentation ber die reine Darstellung von Analyseverfahren hinaus. Der analytisch weniger versierte Anwender kann sich anhand von Methodenkurzbeschreibungen schnell Informationen zu den Analysenverfahren verschaffen. Umgekehrt erh lt der Analytiker ber Datenfelder zu Anwendungsbereichen und zur Plausibilit t von Messdaten die M glichkeit, sich grundlegende Information im Hinblick auf die Verwendung der Analysendaten zu erschliessen. In einem weiteren Datenfeld werden Restriktionen bzw. methodische Fehlerquellen aus der Sicht erfahrener Analytiker aufgelistet. Die Methoden werden entsprechend einem Mindestdetaillierungsgrad beschrieben. Bei vorliegenden Normen und anderen Standards wird weitgehend auf diese verwiesen, andernfalls werden die Methoden ausf hrlich dargestellt.

Preis: DM 66.50.

Bestellungen an: E. Schweizerbart sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Johannesstrasse 3A, D-70176, Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Fax: +49-711-625005. E-mail: mail@schweizerbart.de

Compendium of Soil Clean-up Technologies and Soil Remediation Companies. 2nd edition, 2000. United Nations, New York, Geneva, 2000, vii + 143 p. ISBN 92-1-116748-5. Sales number E.00.II.E.7. Softcover.

This compendium outlines the major clean-up technologies, which have been well established in the commercial soil remediation sector. The technologies are grouped according to the mechanism employed: chemical, physical or biological. It also presents a listing of non-commercial websites, which provide information about technologies, companies and events in the soil decontamination field. In addition, the publication offers a list of soil remediation companies giving contact information, technologies used and number of employees.

Price: USD 40.00

Orders to: United Nations bookstores and distributors around the world, or: United Nations Publications, Sales Office and Bookshop, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland. Fax: +41-22-917-0027. E-mail: unipubli@unog.ch. Or: United Nations Publications, Sales and Marketing Section, 2 United Nations Plaza, Room DC2-853, Dept. C023, New York, NY 10017, USA. Fax: +1-212-963-3489. E-mail: publications@un.org. Homepage: www.un.org/publications.

Sustainable Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Role of Soil Productivity. A.J. Rayar. AJR Publication, Chennai, 2000, xviii + 339 p. ISBN 81-7525-181-6. Softcover.

The primary aim of this book is to provide a general outline of the various multifaceted factors, particularly soil productivity that influence sustainable agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa. There is growing need for a well-documented information source on the interrelationship between sustainable agriculture and long-term soil productivity, and the author treats all relevant factors involved. In this publication the main thrust of emphasis is on technically feasible, economically profitable, environmentally sustainable and socially acceptable means of increasing and maintaining soil productivity on a long-term basis. Issues such as those related to the impact of desertification and soil degradation, the role of biotechnology, integrated fertilizer management, the role of organic matter and appropriate soil management strategies are also discussed. The author, who has an experience of more than 20 years in Nigeria and Rwanda, calls also for a range of institutional matters: active environmental pressure groups in every country to monitor activities related to environment, and effective international linkages among research institutions.

Price: USD 35.00; EUR 41.55.

Orders to: Prof. A.J. Ayar, Higher Institute of Agriculture & Livestock, Ribilisi, B.P. 3971, Kigali, Rwanda. E-mail: aj_rayar@yahoo.com

Comparative Performance Analysis of Agro-Ecosystems. C.A.J.M. de Bie. Doctoral thesis. ITC dissertation no. 75. ITC, Enschede, 2000, 232 p. ISBN 90-5808-253-9. Softcover.

In this doctoral thesis land use concepts and land evaluation approaches are reviewed. Recent advances in information technology can contribute to a more efficient use of land management information for the improvement of land use planning. The author introduces new land use database software and a comprehensive method of land use impact and productivity studies. The Comparative Performance Analysis (CPA) is introduced as a new method for land use impact and yield gap studies, the yield gap being the difference between the average farm yield and its potential. Three case studies in Thailand and Kenya demonstrate the applicability of the CPA.

Price: EUR 13.61.

Orders to: Mrs. J. Bunk, ITC, P.O. Box 6, 7500 AA Enschede, Netherlands. Fax: +31-53-4874400. E-mail: bunk@itc.nl. Homepage: www.itc.nl

Plant Nutrient Management in Hawaii s Soils. Approaches for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture. J.A. Silva and R.S. Uchida, editors. College of Tropical Agriculture & Human Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2000, 158 p. ISBN 1-929235-08-8. Softcover.

Agriculture in the Hawaiian Islands has a history that is somewhat unique, but it has also strong similarities to agriculture elsewhere in the Pacific, and in many other (sub) tropical locations as well. The islands contain 11 of the 12 soil orders of the USDA Soil Taxonomy, and a variation in temperature from warm subtropical lowlands to temperate conditions at the highest elevations. These varied soil and climate conditions complicate methodological approaches to agriculture. This book presents information on how soils provide nutrients to plants and how soils can be managed to improve their nutritional status for plant growth. The book is intended to help growers and extension personnel understand how soil and plant tissue analyses are interpreted to diagnose plant nutrition problems and how soil management recommendations are developed to prevent or correct those problems. Although the details discussed are about soils and crops found in the Hawaiian Islands, the general information on soil conditions and nutrient management are applicable in many other regions of the world, where plants, soils and climate are similar to those of Hawaii.

Price: USD 14.00, plus handling and shipping charges.

Orders to: University of Hawaii, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, 3050 Maile Way, Gilmore Hall 11, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. Fax: +1-808-956-5966. E-mail: ctahrpub@hawaii.edu. Homepage: www2.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/forsale

Soil Sampling. Technical Engineering and Design Guides as adapted from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, no. 30. American Society of Civil Engineers, 2000, 224 p. ISBN 0-7844-0375-9. Softcover.

To provide accurate knowledge of the subsurface conditions, as well as the physical and engineering properties of foundation materials, soil sampling operations are routinely conducted to determine those conditions that affect the safety, cost-effectiveness, and design of a proposed engineering project. This manual presents a summary of commonly accepted soil sampling practices and procedures to assist geotechnical personnel performing actual field studies. It provides both technical guidance for conducting soil sampling operations, and the best methods for handling and storage of samples obtained in support of the investigations. The principles, equipment, procedures, and limitations for obtaining, handling, and preserving soil samples are discussed. Since the highest quality samples are often obtained at the least cost by using a variety of equipment and techniques, this manual surveys the different devices and techniques that have been developed for drilling and sampling geotechnical materials ranging from soil to rocks. The manual further suggests the various types of sampling devices best suited to obtain samples of various soil types encountered during geotechnical investigations. Of special interest are the parts about the equipment and procedures for undisturbed and disturbed soil sampling in borings; sampling frozen soils; underwater sampling of soils; handling and storage of samples and sampling records; and backfilling boreholes and excavations.

Price: GBP 66.00; USD 90.00.

Orders to: In Europe: see below for address of the American Technical Publishers, UK. In the USA: American Society for Civil Engineers, P.O. Box 79404, Baltimore, MD 21279-0404, USA. Fax: +1-703-295-6211. E-mail: marketing@asce.org. Homepage: www.asce.org

Pesticides, Pollutants, Fertilizers and Trees: their role in forests and amenity woodlands. Forestry Series, E. Harris, editor. J.R. Aldhous. Research Studies Press, Baldock, 2000, viii + 588 p. ISBN 0-86380-199-4. Hardcover.

The objective of the Forestry Series is to make available specialist texts in developing areas of science and technology tailored to particular but limited markets. The present book in this series is a comprehensive account of the state of knowledge of the use of chemicals in forestry and the many issues associated with this. Though primarily concerned with the situation in Britain, both the facts presented and the issues discussed are relevant throughout the world and are of interest to foresters, land managers and tree growers everywhere. To meet wider needs, scientific facts and concepts are expressed as far as possible in terms understandable to the lay reader. The first part of the book starts with ethical issues before going on to laying out the chemical and legal frameworks and the safety system, summarizing these in a chapter in integrated forest protection. In the core of the book, pests of all forms, nutrients and fertilizers are discussed in a way that leaves little of these complex issues untouched, before going on to a comprehensive account of the present knowledge of pollutants and forest health. In the final chapter, the author returns to ethical issues and emphasis that if our woodlands and forests, as well as the ecosystems surrounding them, are to be sustainable the opportunities provided today by technological advances must be handled carefully, responsibly and with understanding. The text is supported by over 2000 references.

Price: GBP 47.50.

Orders to: In Europe: American Technical Publishers, 27-29 Knowl Piece, Wilbury Way, Hitchin, Herts SG4 0SX, UK. Fax: +44-1462-433678. E-mail: atp@ameritech.co.uk. Homepage: www.ameritech.co.uk. In North America: Taylor & Francis, 47 Runway Road, Suite G, Levittown, PA 19057-4700, USA.

Soil Management and Conservation for Small Farmers. Strategies and methods of introduction, technologies and equipment. FAO Soil Bulletin 77. V.H. de Freitas. FAO, Rome, 2000, 66 p. ISBN 92-5-104499-6. ISSN 0253-2050. Softcover.

In many places in the world, efforts are underway to improve the living and working conditions of farming communities. It is becoming clear that the active interest and initiative of the farmers is crucial for the success of such efforts. The present report is intended for development practitioners, extensionists and leaders or pioneers in farming communities, to inform them about the experiences and initiatives of farmers with conservation agriculture in Santa Catarina State, Brazil. On the basis of several local initiatives, inventions and developments, there have been widespread improvements in soil management in various parts of the state, resulting in lower costs and improved returns, combined with conservation and improvement of the soil resources. While these developments cannot be simply applied elsewhere, the methods and strategies may well inspire others to adapt and modify them for the application in their own environments.

Price: USD 16.00.

Orders to: National sales agents of FAO publications. Or: Sales and Marketing Group, Information Division, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy. Fax: +39-6-5705-3360. E-mail: publications-sales@fao.org. Homepage: www.fao.org.

Note: the prices given are without mailing costs. Prices may vary per country.

The European Soil Information System. World Soil Resources Reports 91. FAO, Rome, 2000, vii + 150 p. ISBN 92-5-104454-6. ISSN 0532-0488. Softcover.

This publication contains the proceedings of a Technical Consultation, held in Rome, 2-3 September 1999. The consultation, convened to consider the issues related to soil information systems in Europe, was organized by FAO and the European Commission. The participants were experts in the field of soil information and they made brief statements on the status of soil information in their respective countries. More detailed country reports are included in this publication. Important items discussed were the harmonization of the concepts underlying mapping scales, procedures and classification, and interpretation and the issues related to data ownership and availability of the products. The purpose of the meeting was not merely to promote the establishment of a European Soil Information System, permitting easy inter-European exchange of data and experience, but also to facilitate its practical use to solve problems both national and continental, and encourage the exchange of experience with such activities. An important by-product would be the example to other countries, particularly those in the developing world, on how well utilized soil information can help to solve national and global problems in a rational and cost-effective manner. Besides the country reports, the publication contains the texts of the two keynote papers, the conclusions reached at the meeting and the recommendations.

Orders to: National sales agents of FAO publications. Or: Sales and Marketing Group, Information Division, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy. Fax: +39-6-5705-3360. E-mail: publications-sales@fao.org. Homepage: www.fao.org.

Note: the prices given are without mailing costs. Prices may vary per country.

Carbon Sequestration Options under the Clean Development Mechanisms to Address Land Degradation. World Soil Resources Reports 92. FAO, Rome, 2000, ix + 36 p. ISBN 92-5-104515-1. ISSN 0532-0488. Softcover.

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is one of several mechanisms created in Kyoto Protocol (KP) that enables Parties to cooperate with each other to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. An important issue is carbon sequestration retaining in the geosphere the carbon that would otherwise escape into the atmosphere. Carbon sequestration can occur in several sites: biomass, forests, wetlands, geologic formations and soils, among others. This publication contains the result of a study on the origin and background of the carbon sequestration options and the CDM. It documents the outcome of several proceedings of meetings on this subject. The publication examines the various initiatives that have been taken, including that of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the World Bank to facilitate the funding of land degradation projects under GEF. It also includes a review on the ongoing programme of collaboration between the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and FAO on carbon sequestration and indicates how it would fit within the framework of the existing international environmental treaties, as well as the GEF and World Bank initiative.

Orders to: National sales agents of FAO publications. Or: Sales and Marketing Group, Information Division, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy. Fax: +39-6-5705-3360. E-mail: publications-sales@fao.org. Homepage: www.fao.org.

Note: the prices given are without mailing costs. Prices may vary per country.

Land Information Systems in Asia. World Soil Resources Reports 93. FAO, 2000, vii + 92 p. ISBN 92-5-104516-X. ISSN 0532-0488. Softcover.

This report forms the proceedings of a Regional Workshop held in Quezon City from 25 to 27 January 2000. The purpose of the meeting was to promote land resources information systems and their application in the assessment, mapping and monitoring of land in relation to sustainable agricultural development and food security in Asian countries. Ten Asian countries were represented, who contributed experiences from their countries and prepared recommendations for future collaboration in the region, including exchange of data, information and experiences. This includes the preparation of national and regional reports on the state of the land, water and plant nutrient resources in Asia.

Orders to: National sales agents of FAO publications. Or: Sales and Marketing Group, Information Division, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy. Fax: +39-6-5705-3360. E-mail: publications-sales@fao.org. Homepage: www.fao.org.

Note: the prices given are without mailing costs. Prices may vary per country.

The Australian Soil Classification – An Interactive Key, version 1.0. D.W. Jacquier, N.J. McKenzie, K.L. Brown, R.F. Isbell and T.A. Paine. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, 2000, 15 p and CD-ROM.

With this CD-ROM as a reference tool Australian soil profiles can be classified in the Australian soil classification. This powerful electronic system enables soil classes to be identified even when field and laboratory data are incomplete, and will allow for uncertainties and mistakes. It includes extensive notes and colour illustrations and photographs. The package of booklet and CD comes with a tutorial, which takes one step-by-step through the process of allocating a soil profile with this system. The CD also contains an abridged and updated version of the Australian soil classification system, a glossary and extensive references. Also for persons outside Australia, this is an excellent introduction to the various soils of Australia, and may be used as a blueprint for other soil survey organizations.

Price: AUD 59.95.

Orders to: see below.

Australian Soil, Poster 70×98 cm. Produced by K. Brown, N. McKenzie, R. Isbell and D. Jacquier. CSIRO, ACLEP and Natural Heritage Trust.

Australia has a great variety of soils. Most are ancient, strongly weathered and infertile. Others are younger and more fertile. The soils shown on this nicely designed and produced poster shows typical examples of the 14 Orders distinguished in the Australian Soil Classification. The poster has 47 photographs of soil profiles, size about 4×8 cm, and some important characteristics at the Order level. The main occurrences of the Orders are also shown. This is very instructive information for teachers about the importance of soils!

Price: AUD 11.00, plus postage of AUD 9.00 for Australia and New Zealand, plus AUD 35.00 for other countries.

Orders to: CSIRO Publishing, P.O. Box 1139, Collingwood, Victoria 3066, Australia. Fax: +61-3-9662-7555. E-mail: sales@publish.csiro.au. Homepage: www.publish.csiro.au

Agroecological Aspects of Agricultural Research in Bangladesh. H. Brammer. The University Press, Dhaka, 2000, xvii + 376 p. ISBN 984-05-1506-3. Hardcover.

This fourth volume of the author s collected works brings together selected papers describing the relationships between environmental factors and Bangladesh s unique agricultural systems. Part I provides background information on the physical environment and includes a chapter describing research needs in the country s drought-prone environments. Part II comprises chapters describing how farmers in different parts of the country have adapted, and are still adapting, their cropping practices to the micro-environments of their small fragmented holdings. Part III deals with various issues of soil management which need research attention. Part IV describes environmental factors needing to be considered in siting and monitoring agricultural trials and demonstrations, and the methods used on three field studies. In Part V, the author reviews his experience of agricultural research and development in the country, emphasizing the need for research scientists and extension officials to become more deeply aware of the environmental factors influencing cropping systems, farmers practices and agricultural development possibilities in Bangladesh.

Price: Tk. 750.00.

Orders to: The University Press, P.O. Box 2611, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh. Fax: +88-2-956443. E-mail: upl@biib.net. Homepage: www.uplbooks.com

Leitfaden zur Ber cksichtigung von Bodeninformationen im Rahmen der Agrarstrukturplanung in Niedersachsen Nutzung der Daten des Nieders chsischen Bodeninformationssystems NIBIS Handlungsanleitung/Empfehlungen,

herausgegeben von Klaus Erdmann & Udo M ller im Rahmen der Serie: Arbeitshefte Boden des Nieders chsischen Landesamts f r Bodenforschung, Heft 2000/3, 62 S., 3 Abb., 18 Tab., Hannover 2000;

Der Leitfaden beschreibt zun chst die Grundlagen und Anwendungsbereiche sowie die Ziele um anschlie end die Bewertung von Bodenfunktionen sowie einen Anforderungskatalog zur Ber cksichtigung von Bodeninformationen bei Agrarstrukturplanungen zu erl utern. Dazu kommen Informationsgrundlagen und Arbeitshilfen, die eine Durchf hrung des vorgeschlagenen Ansatzes unterst tzen sowie ein Literaturverzeichnis. Die Brosch re kann allen, die sich mit Agrarstrukturplanung besch ftigen zur Lekt re empfohlen werden, da die hier dargestellten Methoden auch ber das Land Niedersachsen hinaus mit Erfolg eingesetzt werden k nnen.

Zu beziehen bei: E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Johannesstra e 3 A, D-70176 Stuttgart.

Preis: 6,39 Euro

Bodenschutz in Raumordnung und Landschaftsplanung,

herausgegeben von U. M ller, I. Dahlmann, E. Bierhals, B. Vespermann und Ch. Wittenbacher im Rahmen der Serie: Arbeitshefte Boden, herausgegeben vom Nieders chsischen Landesamt f r Bodenforschung, Heft 2000/4, Hannover 2000.

Die Publikation beschreibt nach einer Einleitung und Zielsetzung den Bodenschutz in Raumordnung und Landschaftsrahmenplanung sowie als Aufgabe der Landschaftsrahmen – sowie der Regional- und Landesplanung. Hierzu werden Datengrundlagen zur Integration des Bodenschutzes in die Planung am Beispiel des Nieders chsischen Bodeninformationssystems dargestellt und Auswertungsmethoden beschrieben. Ein Ausblick, sowie ein Literatur- und ein Abk rzungsverzeichnis runden die Publikation ab, die allen, die sich mit Raumordnung und Landschaftsplanung besch ftigen zur Lekt re sehr empfohlen werden kann, zumal diese Brosch re auch ber Niedersachsen hinaus viele neue Anregungen enth lt.

Zu beziehen ber: E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Johannesstra e 3 A, D-70176 Stuttgart.

Preis: 8,81 Euro

Bereitstellung von Bodendaten f r die Bauleitplanung, von J rgen Schneider, Sabine Kunzmann u. Florian Raecke, unter Mitarbeit von Frank Lehmberg u. Frank E. Pantel, herausgegeben in der Reihe: Arbeitshefte Boden des Nieders chsischen Landesamts f r Bodenforschung, Heft 2000/2, 48 S., 4 Tab., 14 Abb., Hannover 2000.

Nach einer Einleitung werden Raumplanung sowie rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen f r den Bodenschutz in der Bauleitplanung, die Umsetzung der rechtlichen Vorgaben sowie die Umsetzung des gesamten Ansatzes am Beispiel der Ergebnisse aus einem Pilotprojekt (Stadt Achim) dargestellt. Die Publikation enth lt eine Zusammenfassung, ein Literaturverzeichnis sowie ein Sachregister im Anhang. Sie kann allen die sich mit Fragen der Bewertung von B den im Rahmen der Bauleitplanung befassen, zur Lekt re sehr empfohlen werden.

Zu beziehen bei: E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, (N gele u. Obermiller) Johannesstr. 3 A, D-70176 Stuttgart, Germany.

Preis: 8,81 Euro

Methodendokumentation Bodenkunde, 2. Auflage Auswertungsmethoden zur Beurteilung der Empfindlichkeit und Belastbarkeit von B den.

232 Seiten, 26 Abb., 112 Tabellen, herausgegeben von Ad-hoc-AG Boden, Koordination: Volker Hennings, Bundesanstalt f r Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, 2000.

Vorliegende Publikation im Rahmen des Geologischen Jahrbuchs, Sonderhefte, SG1, ist ein wesentlicher Beitrag zur Beurteilung der Empfindlichkeit und Belastbarkeit von B den, insbesondere bez glich potentieller Verdichtung, Filterverm gen f r Schwermetalle, potentielle und aktuelle Erosionsgef hrdung durch Wasser, Grundwasserneubildung ber Sickerwasserraten aus dem Boden, Nitratr ckhalteverm gen, ackerbauliches Ertragspotential, potentielle Erosionsgef hrdung durch Wind sowie potentielle Versauerungsgef hrdung von Waldb den. Hierzu werden Kennwerte zur Einsch tzung der jeweiligen Parameter dargestellt und erl utert, wodurch f r den Nutzer erhebliche Vorteile im schnellen Erkennen und Bewerten von Problemen und L sungsm glichkeiten gegeben sind. Die vorliegende Methodendokumentation ist daher hervorragend geeignet, denjenigen, die sich mit der Raumplanung und Bodennutzungsplanung im weitesten Sinne befassen, bei der Beurteilung der Empfindlichkeit und Belastbarkeit von B den eine schnelle Hilfestellung zu vermitteln.

Zu beziehen bei: Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Johannesstr. 3 A, 70176 Stuttgart, Deutschland. Preis: 70,56 Euro

Mineral Fertilizer Use and the Environment. K.F. Isherwood. International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA), and UNEP, 2000, 51 p. ISBN 2-9506299-3-8.

This document presents a view of the benefits of using mineral fertilizers and the environmental risks involved. It is not a scientific document, but it aims to be technically correct. The review presents the evidence supporting the view that the use of mineral fertilizer is a necessary condition for achieving an increased food production on land that is already in use, and avoid encroachment on land that is only marginally suitable for cultivation. This publication stresses the importance of using mineral fertilizers efficiently. Inefficient use not only increases their negative environmental impact unnecessarily, but also represents a large waste of natural resources and a substantial economic loss. There is scope for improved products, but the greatest medium-term gain could be had from improving the way in which currently available fertilizers are used.

Requests to: IFA, 28 rue Marbeuf, F-75008, Paris, France. Fax: +33-153-930545. E-mail: ifa@fertilizer.org. Homepage: www.fertilizer.org

Mineral Fertilizer Distribution and the Environment. K.F. Isherwood. International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA), and UNEP, 2000, 106 p. ISBN 2-9506299-4-6.

This publication is the third in the IFA-UNEP series of Mineral Fertilizers and the Environment. The first concerned Fertilizer Production and the Environment (1988), the second is mentioned above, and this publication completes the chain from factory to farm dealing with the distribution sector. The relevance of fertilizer production and fertilizer use to the environment are clear, this is not so evident in the distribution sector. Not only is the potential environmental impact of fertilizer distribution often underestimated, but so too it its economic impact. Under favourable circumstances the cost of distributing and marketing fertilizers amounts to a third of the production costs. Under unfavorable circumstances it can amount to three times the production (or import) cost. Not only is the cost substantial, it is a cost, which can be influenced by an increased efficiency in the distribution and marketing. The purpose of this publication is to demonstrate relevant aspects of mineral fertilizer distribution and to describe its complexities.

Both publications can be downloaded from the homepage of IFA.

Requests to: IFA, 28 rue Marbeuf, F-75008, Paris, France. Fax: +33-153-930545. E-mail: ifa@fertilizer.org. Homepage: www.fertilizer.org

Reclaimed Land Erosion Control, Soils and Ecology. M.J. Haigh, editor. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam and Brookfield, 2000, xiv + 385 p. ISBN 90-5410-793-6. Hardbound.

This book is the first in a series that will aim to publicize work being done to restore lands that have been damaged by human actions and to manage lands in ways that minimize the damages done by human actions. Each volume will explore a particular land management problem from the perspective of the applied scientist and progressive practitioner. The level will lie between the research literature and the advanced textbooks. The present first volume in the series discusses the problems of sustaining the quality of land that has already been reclaimed through the decades that follow the reclamation process. Land degradation may not, normally, be a huge problem for lands that are returned for high investment uses, but it is commonly a major problem for lands that are reclaimed for uses that have a low economic rent, for lands that are composed of unstable, acid or toxic spoils, and for lands returned as steeper slopes. This book reviews the applied research and practical experience that is available, internationally, for those striving to increase durability and self-sustainability of reclaimed lands.

Price: EUR 85.00, USD 88.00, GBP 56.00.

Orders to: see below. (no sales rights in India).

Ecological Risk Evaluation of Polluted Soils. J.L. Rivi re. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam and Brookfield, 2000, xii + 223 p. ISBN 90-5410-796-0. Hardcover.

Ecological risk evaluation arose from the need to forecast the effects of pollution and to ensure a scientific basis for decisions in matters of environmental management. This pursuit proved to be particularly complex, because of its interdisciplinary nature, as well as the relatively poor understanding we have of natural ecosystems and their functioning. This book, originally published in French ( valuation du risque cologique des sols pollu s, Technique & Documentation, Paris, 1998), is an introduction in which the reader will find the fundamental principles, as they are conceived at present, and a range of workable methods in the case of polluted soils. A set of definitions is proposed before the author develops different aspects of the evolution of pollutants in the soil and their toxicity. It then leads the reader to risk formulation, which is essential in establishing a procedure that includes economic, social and political considerations.

Price: EUR 55.00, USD 58.50, and GBP 37.00. (no sales rights in India).

Orders to: A.A. Balkema, P.O. Box 1675, NL-3000 BR Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Fax: +31-10-4135947. E-mail: sales@balkema.nl. Homepage: www.balkema.nl. In USA and Canada: A.A. Balkema Publishers, Old Post Road, Brookfield, VT 05036-9704, USA. Fax: +1-802-276-3837. E-mail: info@ashgate.com

Solos do Brasil. G nese, Morfologia, Classifica o, Levantamento. Cd-Rom com orienta es pr ticas de campo. H lio do Prado. Published by the author, Piracicaba, 2000, 182 p. ISBN 85-901330-1-X.

This nicely produced book with a number of colour photos with soil profiles, starts with a description of the soil forming factors in Brazil, and the resulting morphological characteristics. Use is made of the new Brazilian soil classification system (EMBRAPA-CNPS, 1999), and the main part of the book is concerned with a description of the 14 orders established in the system. An interesting chapter discusses the classification of six soil profiles, based on the soil description and analytical data. The CD-ROM, which is not available separately from the book, contains among others information about the old and new Brazilian soil classification systems, and instructive voice video clips about field activities. The CD-ROM can be used for an introduction about the landscapes and soils of Brazil.

Price: USD 43.00, plus mailing charges.

Orders to: Dr. H. do Prado, Rua Floriano Peixoto, 1630, apt. 81, 13417-050 Piracicaba-SP, Brazil. E-mail: heprado@zaz.com.br

Guide des analyses en p dologie. Choix expression pr sentation interpr tation. 2 me dition revue et augment e. D. Baize. Collection Techniques et pratiques. INRA, Paris, 2000, 257 p. ISBN 2-7380-0892-5. ISSN 1150-3912. Broch .

L ambition de cet ouvrage est de vous aider bien choisir vos analyses, ma triser les modes d xpression des r sultats, les interpr ter et bien les pr senter. Con u comme un guide pratique, ce n est ni un cours de p dologie g n rale, ni un trait d agronomie. Il n a pas pour objet des analyses de terre , ni l tablissement de normes d interpr tation. Il traite des analyses de sols les plus courantes en p dologie, c est- -dire celles qui sont r alis es, suite au creusement de fosses ou tranch es, sur les diff rents horizons des sols et des couvertures p dologiques que l on peut rencontrer en Europe occidentale. Compl ment naturel du Guide pour la description des sols (D. Baize et B. Jabiol, INRA, 1995), il s adresse tous ceux, p dologues, forestiers, agronomes, techniciens agricoles, ing nieurs en environnement, tudiants, enseignants qui ont caract riser ou qui veulent tudier ce que l on appelle couramment les sols . Cet ouvrage est une nouvelle dition du livre paru en 1988.

Prix: FRF 180 et frais de port.

Commandes : INRA ditions, RD 10, F-78026 Versailles Cedex, France. Fax: +33-1-30-833449. E-mail: dessauva@versailles.inra.fr. Catalogue et commande en ligne: www.inra.fr/Editions

Agricultural Research Priority Setting. Information investments for the improved use of research resources. B. Mills, editor. International Service for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR), The Hague and Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), Nairobi, 1998,viii + 151 p. ISBN 92-9118-040-8. Softcover. With CD-ROM.

Managers face a number of practical issues in designing procedures for agricultural research priority setting: Who will set priorities? , What information will they use? , What skills or tools do they need? Similarly, socioeconomists and others who implement priority-setting processes need concrete advice on how to undertake each step. This publication addresses issues of process design and implementation. It leads readers through the major steps and questions involved in setting program-level priorities in agricultural research organizations. Examples from the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) illustrate applications of the methods and issues discussed. Exercises, some using the spreadsheets included on the enclosed computer diskette, provide the reader with hands-on experience in doing some of the calculations.

Orders to: ISNAR, P.O. Box 93375, 2509 AJ The Hague, The Netherlands. Fax: +31-70-3819677. E-mail: isnar@cgiar.org. Homepage: www.cgiar.org/isnar

Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Land Use and Water Management. 2nd Inter-Regional Conference on Environment-Water, September 1999, Lausanne. Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, 2000. Booklet with CD-ROM.

The contributions to this conference provide insight into recent developments in modelling hydrological processes and planning the use of natural resources under the constraints of economic, social and environmental sustainability. Innovative management issues, practices and tools are also proposed and analyzed, mainly under the perspective of compatible economic and social aims with the environmental ones. The contributions are arranged into four sections: (1) new trends in modeling in hydrology, and water and land use planning and management; (2) new approaches in measuring and handling data, including related mathematical and computer techniques; (3) new tools for evaluation, visualization and decision making, with particular attention to spatially distributed data and decision support systems; and (4) new management policies and practices, mainly concerning agricultural water and soil use, and water quality management. Although significant advances are shown, gaps in our knowledge are revealed as well. Future research, based on long-term observations on soil and water processes, is required to effectively validate present issues, to generate new ones, and to contribute to better-resolved scale problems. Also, new issues are required to transfer innovation into practice, to promote better institutional arrangements facilitating new policies, and for monitoring the state off the environment and the practices dealing with natural resources. The booklet presents the general contents and abstracts of all contributions, the full texts are provided on the CD-ROM.

Price: In Switzerland CHF 120.00, France: FRF 536.00, elsewhere EUR 77.50.

Orders to: PPUR, EPFL-Centre midi, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland. Fax: +41-21-6934027. E-mail: ppur@epfl.ch. Homepage: www.ppur.org

Ecology and Management of Forest Soils. Third edition. R.F. Fischer and D. Binkley. John Wiley & Sons, New York, Chichester, 2000, xvii + 489 p. ISBN 0-471-19426-3. Hardbound.

This is a greatly revised edition of Properties and Management of Forest Soils, by W.L. Pritchett and R.F. Fischer, published in 1987. Forests can be viewed from a range of perspectives, all of which are based on soils. Forest productivity is a story that centers on photosynthesis and plant growth, but plant biochemistry is supported by nutrient cycles that are essentially a soils story. The diversity of plant species in forests is largely a soils story as well; across landscapes, the patterns in vegetation are typically modified by patterns in soils. More than 99 percent of the diversity of life in forest ecosystems resides in soils, where amazingly small, numerous, and important organisms make the rest of the ecosystem (such as tree and mammals) possible. In this book the authors try to convey the key features of soil ecology that are critical to successful management. Compared to the second edition, the authors have taken a worldwide approach, instead of a North American approach. Case studies have a greater breadth and depth. The book is structured in 16 chapters. After the first chapters on forest soils and vegetation development, the soils of the major forest biomes, physics, (biogeo)chemistry and biology of forest soils are treated. Soil organic matter and root systems and growth are covered, followed by a chapter on the influence of forest fires on soils. Much attention is given to nutrient management: nutrient limitations and fertilization and biological nitrogen fixation. The book closes with chapters on forest soil management on a variety of soils, and on long-term soil productivity. The book is illustrated with many figures.

Price: GBP 63.95.

Orders to: John Wiley & Sons, Baffins Lane, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 1UD, England. E-mail: cs.books@wiley.co.uk. Or: John Wiley & Sons, 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158-0012, USA. Homepages: www.wiley.co.uk and www.wiley.com

The Podzolization Process. Special issue of Geoderma, vol. 94, nos. 2-4, February 2000, p. v + 91-353. U.S. Lundstr m, N. van Breemen and D.C. Bain, editors. Elsevier.

Podzolization is the most common soil forming process in coniferous forests in northern Europe and America. Podzols have been studied intensively since the end of the last century and several theories have been proposed to explain their often visually dramatic soil profiles. However, in spite of much prior research, the editors felt that a number of fundamental aspects of podzolization were still poorly understood, and a joint project was started by researchers from Sweden, Finland, Norway, The Netherlands and Great Britain. At three sites with podzolic soils unaffected by anthropogenic deposition in the north of Sweden and in central Finland, geochemical, mineralogical, micromorphological, microbiological, hydrochemical, and hydrological investigations were performed. In an ongoing project, the dynamics of podzolization in an area affected by acid atmospheric deposition are being studied. This special issue of Geoderma contains the literature summary review of the podzolization process, an article describing the experimental design of the project, 11 papers on the results from the project, and an article summarizing the results and conclusions from the whole project. Several new findings have been made relating to the podzolization process, which may have impact on knowledge used for evaluating forest sustainability and environmental problems, and some results raise a number of questions for further research.

Orders to: Elsevier Science, P.O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Fax: +31-20-4853432. E-mail: nlinfo@elsevier.nl. Or: Elsevier Science, P.O. Box 945, New York, NY 10159-0945, USA. Fax: +1-212-633-3680. Email: usinfo@elsevier.com. Homepages: www.elsevier.nl; or: www.elsevier.com

Solute Movement in the Rhizosphere. P.B. Tinker and P.H. Nye. Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford, 2000, xix + 444 p. ISBN 0-19-512492-8. Hardback.

In this book, the authors describe in detail how plant nutrients and other solutes move in the soil in response to leaching and plant uptake. The plants considered may grow in isolation, or as a crop, a mixture of crops, or a natural community. The way their roots interact with the soil is not so fully understood as the way their shoots respond to the atmosphere, because the root-soil system is both complex and too inaccessible to study easily. At present, the world s developed countries have a vast experience of the effects of the nutrient elements on important crops, based on repeated field trials. But experience is confined to existing or past conditions, and new varieties, cultural practices, and environmental conditions bring with them the need to reassess former conclusions. Often, resources do not match the range of crops or vegetation, or the diversity of soil, climate, and treatment. In these circumstances, advice on practice can best be given by combining fundamental insight with the information given by field trials. These phenomena are dynamic: soil solutes move, and plants grow; yet, the intimate connection between the two has only recently been understood. Therefore, an expanded account of solute transport processes in the rhizosphere is timely. Until relatively recently, it has been difficult to link all the separate steps involved in the movement of solutes through the soil and their uptake by extending roots, because the mathematics was too difficult or tedious; and hence simplifications had to be made. Computers have removed these obstacles, and provide the essential tool in modelling the various pieces of the system that comprises growing roots in soil. Most of the mechanisms described in the book have been worked out for the major nutrient elements, but they are equally relevant, with modification, to other solutes. Most models of natural ecosystems or crop production are coarse-grained, the object being to establish a framework and fill in the details later. The approach presented in this book is different in that the authors analyse the working of small-scale, often simplified, systems first, before combining them in a more complicated one.

The general outlines of the first chapters are retained in this edition, but the text has been updated and expanded. The other chapters contain much new material on processes that affect ion fluxes into and near roots, followed by chapters on the whole plant, and field vegetation. The book is well illustrated with many figures. It has a useful listing of over 1100 references.

Price: USD 95.00 or GBP 70.00.

Orders to: Oxford University Press, Order Department, 2001 Evans Road, Cary, NC 27513, USA. Fax: +1-919-677-1303. Homepage: www.oup-usa.org. Or: Oxford University Press Bookshop, 116 Highstreet, Oxford OX1 4BZ, England. Fax: +44-1865-241701. E-mail: bookshop@oup.co.uk. Homepage: www.oup.uk

Soil Biogeochemistry, volume 10. Books in Soils, Plants, and the Environment. J.-M. Bollag and G. Stotzky, editors. Marcel Dekker, New York and Basel, 2000, xi + 519 p. ISBN 0-8247-8834-6. Hardbound.

A major goal of this series is to provide up-to-date reviews on the factors that influence a spectrum of biological, biogeochemical, edaphic, and ecological phenomena in soil, most of which have a biochemical basis. From a practical viewpoint, as well as from a vintage point of basic science, there is a need to characterize and explore further soil biochemical factors. An increased knowledge of soil biochemistry will also contribute to improving the quality of soil and to increasing food production. The topics discussed in this volume range from anaerobic microbiology in rice fields, to anaerobic degradation of specific pesticides, to the use of fungi in environmental remediation, to the genetic ecology of Bradyrhizobium; from new extraction techniques for humic materials and bound residues, to sorption of enzymes on surfaces and its effects on enzyme activity. There is always special interest in the question of the adequacy of the plate and other methods for characterizing microorganisms in soil, and this is discussed in several chapters. As an extension of classical soil biochemistry, a chapter relates soil biology and biochemistry to archaeology.

Orders to: Marcel Dekker, 270 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016, USA. Fax: +1-212-685-4540. Homepage: www.dekker.com. Distribution in Eastern Hemisphere: Marcel Dekker, Postfach 812, CH-4001 Basel, Switzerland. Fax: +41-61-2618896.

Heavy Metals: A Problem Solved? Methods and Models to Evaluate Policy Strategies for Heavy Metals. Environment & Policy, volume 22. E. van der Voet, J.B. Guin e and H.A. Udo de Haes, editors. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, 2000, ix + 242 p. ISBN 0-7923-6192-X. Hardback.

Heavy metals and the environment is an well-investigated subject. Up to now, publications focus on the environmental pathways and risks of metals. In the book, a link has been established between the environmental risks and the societal issues of these risks. Economic models, substance flow models and environmental fate and risk assessment models have been integrated into one framework of analysis which has been applied to understand the pathways of four heavy metals (copper, zinc, lead and cadmium), from their entering the economy until their final destination in the environment. The Netherlands has been chosen as a case in point to study the long term impacts of the present metals management regime, and to assess the effectiveness of certain policy measures.

The publication is the result of an interdisciplinary research programme, the Metals Programme, in which ecologists, agricultural scientists, environmental scientists and economists cooperated. The last part of the book is devoted to a summary of the main results; the conclusions and the recommendations for further research as well as for policies on heavy metals are formulated.

Orders to: In North, Central and South America: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 101 Philip Drive, Norwell, MA 02061, USA. E-mail: kluwer@wkap.com. In all other countries: Kluwer Academic Publishers, P.O. Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Fax: +31-78-6546474. E-mail: services@wkap.nl. Homepage: www.wkap.nl

Soil Conservation and Watershed Management in Asia and the Pacific. Report of the APO Seminar on Soil Conservation and Water Management, Taipei, November 1998. Asian Productivity Organization, Tokyo, 2000, 261 p. ISBN 92-833-2249-5. Softcover.

In many Asia-Pacific countries, watersheds have been observed to be badly affected by soil erosion caused by, for example, indiscriminate agricultural activities and environmental harmful farming practices. Given the critical nature of the situation, it was necessary to address the institutional, technical and socio-economical aspects of these problems, and seek practical and effective solutions. A seminar was held to address these issues in the region, in all 12 countries, from Mongolia and China in the north, to Indonesia in the south, and including Fiji, India and Sri Lanka. The publication is a compilation of the report of the proceedings of the seminar and the papers presented. After four resource papers, the twelve country contributions give a clear picture of the sometimes serious conditions of the soils and encroaching degradation.

Price: USD 15.00, plus USD 5.00 for handling and airmail postage.

Orders to: The Director, Information and Public Relations, Asian Productivity Organization, 1-2-10 Hirakawa-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0093, Japan. Fax: +81-3-52263957. E-mail: ipr@apo-tokyo.com. Homepage: www.apo-tokyo.com

Micronutrients: Their Behaviour in Soils and Plants. D.K. Das. Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana, India, 2000, 307 p., ISDN 81-7663-550-2. Soft cover.

The book deals with essential micronutrients for plants (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, B, Mo, Cl), elements indirectly associated with plant nutrition (Si, Co, Na, V), micronutrient pollution and soil and plant tissue testing for micronutrients within nine chapters. Special emphasis has been given to the discussion of the behaviour of micronutrients in soils and plants, including their chemistry of transformation, interaction with other nutrients and further parameters which play a role in plant nutrition and crop responses. The book was basically written for graduate and post-graduate students of agriculture, as well as for researchers in the various fields of biological and environmental sciences, with some basic knowledge in soil science, plant physiology and biochemistry.

Price: 125 Indian Rupies

Orders to: Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana, New Delhi, India.

Wege zum vorsorgenden Bodenschutz. Fachliche Grundlagen und konzeptionelle Schritte f r eine erweiterte Boden-Vorsorge, G. Bachmann und H.W. Thoenes, (Hrsg.), Reihe: Bodenschutz und Altlasten, Band 8, 213 Seiten, 14,4×21 cm, kartoniert, 2000 ISBN 3 503 05867 2. Vorliegende Publikation basiert auf einem Gutachten des Wissenschaftlichen Beirates Bodenschutz beim deutschen Bundesministerium f r Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit. Die Aufgabe dieses Beirates ist es, die Vielfalt und Komplexit t wissenschaftlicher Betrachtungen des Bodenschutzes interdisziplin r zusammenzuf hren. Vorliegende Brosch re behandelt die vielf ltigen Aspekte des vorsorgenden Bodenschutzes in Deutschland, mit dem Ziel, diese in Zukunft zu erweitern. Hierbei werden Leitbilder, Leitideen und Grundregeln der Vorsorge unterschieden. Die hieraus resultierenden Empfehlungen und Vorschl ge sprechen sowohl einzelne Handlungsfelder wie auch Instrumente und Verfahrensweisen des Bodenschutzes an, die zur Koordinierung der vielf ltigen Aktionsm glichkeiten erforderlich erscheinen.

Preis: DM 56/ S 409/SFr 50,50/Euro 28,63

Zu bestellen: Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, Bielefeld, M nchen, Zweigniederlassung Bielefeld, Viktoriastra e 44 A, 33602 Bielefeld, Deutschland.

Sustainable Development and Integrated Appraisal in a Developing World. N. Lee and C. Kirkpatrick, editors. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham and Northampton, 2000, xvi + 250 p. ISBN 1-84064-162-2. Hardbound.

It is widely recognized that sustainable development can only be achieved if environmental, economic and social issues are combined in development plans, policies and programmes. This book examines this integrated approach to the development process, and analyses the theory and practice of integrating assessment techniques and decision making. The editors begin by presenting a comprehensive introduction to integrated appraisal in development strategies as well as outlining issues, which are important for the future understanding and practical application of integrated appraisal. A group of authors from a range of disciplinary and country backgrounds then present alternative perspectives and methods of an integrated approach to sustainable development, and apply integrated appraisal to a variety of case studies from developing and transitional countries.

Price: GBP 65.00.

Orders to: Marston Book Services, P.O. Box 269, Abington, Oxon OX14 4YN, UK. Fax: +44-1235-465555. E-mail: direct.order@marston.co.uk. Homepage: www.e-elgar.co.uk

Soil Microbiology. Second edition. R.L. Tate III. John Wiley & Sons, New York, Chichester, 2000, xxiii + 508 p. ISBN 0-471-31791-8. Hardbound.

This is an extensively revised and updated new edition of the well-known textbook published six years ago. It offers students a broad knowledge of the behavior and function of microbes in soils all the essentials they will need in order to address the long-term stewardship of the earth s soil resources. Designed for use as the core text for microbiology courses in the soil science curriculum, it explores the tremendous diversity of life found in soil ecosystems. With its amplified focus on the reclamation of contaminated and damaged soils, greenhouse gas production, and the sustainability of soil ecosystems, this book is suitable for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students, as well as a useful reference for professionals in soil and environmental science. It features a focus on new advances as well as environmental science aspects of soil microbiology; new chapters on the biological diversity of soil ecosystems, soil remediation, and soil systems management; and has a strong emphasis on research in real-world settings as well as theoretical concerns.

Price: GBP 61.50.

Orders to: John Wiley & Sons, 1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, West Sussex PO22 9SA, UK. Fax: +44-1243-820250. E-mail: cs-books@wiley.co.uk. Or: John Wiley & Sons, 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158-0012, USA. Homepages: www.wiley.uk and www.wiley.com

Ethnopedology in a Worldwide Perspective: An Annotated Bibliography. ITC Publication 77. N. Barrera-Bassols and J.A. Zinck. ITC, Enschede, 2000, 651 p. ISBN 90-6164-1772. Softcover.

This publication is a compilation of more than 900 references, published until mid-1999, on ethnopedology, focussing on the perception, knowledge and management of soil and land resources among indigenous people and other local rural populations. It is a valuable source document for anyone interested in local development issues and perspectives, and in integrative approaches to land resource management and land use planning. The book provides information on 220 ethnic groups from more than 150 countries, living in fragile ecological systems: tropical humid lowlands, arid and semi-arid lowlands, and the cold and dry highlands. Th