Taking care of soils since 1924
Soil science books published in 2003

Soil science books published in 2003

Tropical Soils. Properties and Management for Sustainable Agriculture. A.S.R. Juo and K. Franzluebbers. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, 2003, ix + 281 p. ISBN 0-19-511598-8. Hardcover.

There are many images of agriculture in the tropics: the luxuriant cash and tree crop plantations on the rich volcanic soils in Latin America, the endless rice paddies on the fertile alluvial soils in Asia, the vast savanna grasslands in Africa, where the nomadic herders roam, and the millions of slash-and-burn farmers and their families who derive their livelihood from the acidic infertile soils throughout the humid tropics. During past decades, attempts to mimic industrial food production systems of temperate regions have met with limited success. There is abundant evidence depicting that large-scale land clearance for crop and livestock production in the humid tropics could transform the once lush green tropical forests into human-made deserts. On the poorly buffered kaolinitic soils, continuous cropping and chemical fertilization could lead to severe compaction and acidification after only a few years to a level detrimental to plant growth. Agronomists and ecologists now recognize the fragility of tropical ecosystems and more research is being conducted to better understand the structure and function of natural ecosystems in terms of species diversity, energy flow, and nutrient cycling, and their application to the development of sustainable and productive agricultural ecosystems in the tropics. The book consists of two parts. Part I deals with basic considerations of soil science, and specifically related to those in the tropics. Part II discusses the properties and management of major arable soils in relation to the development of ecologically and economically sustainable farming practices in the tropics. This book is intended for a multidisciplinary readership including agricultural and environmental planners, extension workers, farmers, as well as teachers and students of tropical soil science.

Price: GBP 45.00; USD 59.50. Orders to: Oxford University Press, Saxon Way West, Corby, Northants NN18 9ES, UK. Email: bookorders.uk@oup.com Homepage: www.oup.co.uk In USA: Oxford University Press, 2001 Evans Road, Cary, NC 27513, USA. Email: orders@oup-usa.org Homepage: www.oup.com

Analyse chimique des sols. Methodes choisies. C. Mathieu et F. Pieltien. Avec la collaboration de E. Jeanroy, F. Marcovecchio, F Servain et H. Soucheyre. Editions TEC & DOC. Lavoisier, Londres, Paris, 2003, xix + 388 p. ISBN 2-7430-0620-X.

Prix: EUR 65.00.

Commandes : Librairie Lavoisier, 14 rue de Provignie, F-94236 Cachan cedex, France. Fax: +33-1-42-65-02-46.Internet: www.lavoisier.fr.

Dictionary of Agricultural and Environmental Science. F.R. Troeh and R.L. Donahue. Iowa State Press, Ames, 2003, ix + 553 p. ISBN 0-8138-0283-0. Softcover.

This dictionary is intented to facilitate communication in agricultural and environmental sciences. Both of these broad sciences deal with the environment but in very different ways. People working in these areas need to be able to communicate with each other clearly and effectively. Prof. Donahue, who started the project to compile this dictionary, but who passed away before its conclusion, wished to bridge the gaps that often exist between scientists and practitioners in both areas. He spent approximately ten years compiling terms and definitions from many sources. Prof. Troeh, who was asked to complete the project, expanded the material by adding many terms and derivations for most of the words. The dictionary comprises nearly 10,000 terms in the following fields: agriculture, soil science, animal science, agricultural engineering, environmental protection, and related fields, but also numerous biological chemical and health terms. Each term is listed in bold type followed by a designation of usage and, where possible, its derivation from a source language. Definitions are supplied as needed to cover the usage of the word. The terms are illustrated with relatively few photographs and drawings.

Price: USD 79.99. Orders to: Iowa State Press, 2121 State Avenue, Ames, IA 50014-8300. Fax: +1-515-292-3348. E-mail: orders@iowastatepress.com Homepage: www.iowastatepress.com (see Blackwell for UK address)

Erosion Prediction in Ungauged Basins (PUBs): Integrating Methods and Techniques. IAHS Publication 279. D.H. de Boer, W. Froehlich, T. Mizuyama and A. Pietroniro, editors. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Wallingford, 2003, xii + 250 p. ISBN 1-901502-22-8. Softcover.

Human impact on runoff and erosion is increasing worldwide because of growing pressure to develop land and water resources. However, in many parts of the world runoff and erosion rates are not monitored, precluding an accurate assessment of human impact and sustainable practices. The objective of a symposium was to review recent developments in a wide range of methods and techniques that can be used to characterize runoff and erosion in ungauged basins, and to evaluate how to integrate the information obtained using remote sensing, GIS, modeling and other methods into a coherent view of the ungauged basin. The book is arranged in four sections: (1) field-based studies-current conditions (3 papers); (2) field based studies-historical perspectives (5 papers); (3) empirical and physically-based models (8 papers): and (4) integrating models, GIS and remote sensing (12 papers). It includes case studies from around the world.

Price: GBP 46.50.

Orders to: Mrs. Jill Gash, IAHS Press, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8BB, UK. Fax: +44-1491-692448. Email: jilly@iahs.demon.co.uk Homepage: www.iahs.info

Erosion and Sediment Transport Measurement in Rivers: Technological and Methodological Advances. IAHS Publication 283. J. Bogen, T. Fergus and D.E. Walling, editors. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Wallingford, 2003, viii + 238 p. ISBN 1-901502-42-2. Softcover.

The growing awareness of the importance of fluvial sediment in a wide range of environmental problems has accentuated the need for better and more consistent information, yet, data collection in the field still lags behind other areas of hydrology. New problems call for new approaches, new strategies and new methods, in order to develop an improved understanding of cause and effect relationships for different activities within a river basin. Developments in what can be measured in the field, or on samples returned to the laboratory, and in how the data can be used, are moving forward apace. This volume comprises a selection of papers presented at a workshop in 2002, grouped into three topics: (1) suspended sediment (6 papers); (2) erosion and sediment sources in catchments (5 papers); and (3) bed load monitoring and transport processes (13 papers). Together the papers provide both a synthesis of existing knowledge and a review of the progress of current research and development.

Price: GBP 45.50. Orders to: Mrs. Jill Gash, IAHS Press, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8BB, UK. Fax: +44-1491-692448. Email: jilly@iahs.demon.co.uk Homepage: www.iahs.info

BALCROP – Balanced Fertilization for Better Crops in Vietnam. N.Van Bo, E. Mutert and C. D Sat. PPI/PPIC, Singapore, 2003, vi + 145 p. ISBN 981-04-2743-3. Softcover.

BALCROP is a project to safeguard the environmentally friendly and economic use of fertilizers for sufficient agricultural production with the objective of optimizing crop performance in Vietnam. The project supports cooperative research, extension and training involving Vietnamese farmers and extension workers and representatives of a number of national institutions. Since 1994 the projects has developed activities in more than 20 provinces, involving the country’s major crops and soils. The findings and results are given in this publication. The continuing adaptation of the principles of balanced fertilization by farmers, extension workers and the Government of Vietnam has countrywide resulted in a remarkable change of crop productivity and the NPK fertilizer consumption pattern in recent years.

Orders to: Mrs. Doris Tan, PPI/PPIC, Southeast Asia Program, 126 Watten Estate Road, Singapore 287599. Fax: +65-6-4670416. Email: dtan@ppi-ppic.org Homepage: www.ppi-ppic.org/seasia

Transboundary Protected Areas. The Viability of Regional Conservation Strategies. U.M. Goodale, M.J. Stern, C. Margoluis, A.G. Lanfer and M. Fladeland, editors. The Haworth Press, Binghamton, 2003, xx + 271 p. ISBN 1-56022-095-3. Softcover. ISBN 1-56022-094-5. Hardcover. (Also published as Journal of Sustainable Forestry, volume 17, numbers 1 and 2, 2003.)

A Transboundary Protected Area can be defined as: An area of land and/or sea that straddles one or more boundaries between states, sub-national units such as provinces and regions, autonomous areas and/or areas beyond the limits of national sovereignty or jurisdiction, whose constituent parts are especially dedicated to the protection and maintenance of biological diversity, and of natural and associated cultural resources, and managed through legal and other effective means (Sandwich et al., 2001). Transboundary management is a recent conceptual innovation in efforts to improve natural resources management and innovation. It also serves an even more important goal that of learning how to bring about sustainability in natural and human systems a goal that is sought by a growing number of people and governments throughout the world who strive for security and prosperity. Such cross-boundary efforts are likely to proliferate in the foreseeable future in terrestrial, aquatic and marine situations. Setting a straight course to transboundary management will require us to learn from our past management efforts, to discover what worked, why, and under what circumstances. In this way we can identify best practices, disseminate them widely and improve on them. The 2001 publication Transboundary Protected areas for Peace and Cooperation by the World Commission on Protected Areas of the World Conservation Union (IUCN) accelerated our learning on transboundary initiatives by providing guidelines upon which to learn and improve. The present publication, an outcome of a conference of the International Society of Tropical Foresters, aims to continue to support practice-based learning toward the achievement of these goals. The papers approach transboundary protected areas primarily from a management perspective, and focus principally upon social and management issues, with less emphasis upon biological concerns. After providing an overview of transboundary conservation around the globe, specific case studies in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas are included. The volume concludes with a synthesis of the conference proceedings.

Price:? USD 49.95, softcover; USD 69.95, hardcover. Orders to: The Haworth Press, 10 Alice Street, Binghamton, NY 13904-1580, USA. Fax: +1-607-771-0012. E-mail: orders@haworthpress.com. Homepage: www.haworthpress.com.

Atlas Gleb Lesnych Polski (Atlas of Forest Soils in Poland). S. Brozek and M. Zwydak. Centrum Informacyjne Lasow Panstwowych, Warsaw, 2003, 467p. ISBN 83-88478-17-6. Hardcover.

This publication in the Polish language has information about 173 forest soils in Poland. Each soil has very well reproduced photographs of profile and landscape, extensive profile and site descriptions and full analytical data. The soils are not only classified in the Polish classification systems, but also according to the World Reference Base for Soil Resources of 1998. Plant communities are also in Latin. Poland is well known for its detailed knowledge of the soils from the country, and it is hoped that funds can be found to translate the book into English, and have it published for the benefit of many soil scientists outside Poland! I am still using the soils atlas of Poland published in 1986, but glad that I have the present one at hand! A nicely produced atlas, for a very reasonable price!

Price: PLN 80 or about EUR 20.00, plus postal charges (about 2500 g). Orders to: Centrum Informacyjne Lasow Panstwowych (State Forest Information Centre), ul. Bitwy Warszawskiej 1920 r. nr 3, 02-362 Warsaw, Poland. Fax: +48-22-823-96-79.

Email: wydawnictwa@lasypanstwowe.gov.pl

Bioavailability, Toxicity and Risk Relationships in Ecosystems. R. Naidu, V.V.S.R. Gupta, S. Rogers, R.S. Kookana, N.S. Bolan and D.C. Adriano, editors. Science Publishers, Enfield, 2003, xvi + 344 p. ISBN 1-57808-192-0. Hardcover.

This book is a compendium of information that elucidates the role of bioavailability in determining toxicity, and in turn its significance in risk assessment. Bioavailability in this context is loosely defined as the transport and uptake of an element by an organism. The book is based on a symposium organized during the 4th International Symposium on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements held in 1997. Since this meeting Drs. Naidu and Adriano have promoted the concept of the dynamic nature of bioavailability in terrestrial ecosystems and numerous conferences, which have led to the compilation of the present book. The book describes bioavailability within the context of environmental health and ecotoxicological risk assessment and the potential impact that metals may have on the soil ecosystem. Specific discussions focus on fundamental principles and scope of bioavailability, soil, plant and microbial processes that influence metal dynamics, indicators of bioavailability, and selected case studies demonstrating the impact of metals on terrestrial ecosystems and how bioavailability relates to regulatory and site assessment requirements. The book is not only intended as a text for post graduate students, remediators and risk assessment experts to understand the application of various conventional and innovative tools for assessing bioavailability and risks posed by contaminants at highly contaminated sites, but also for regulatory authorities and environmental planners who wish to learn about metal bioavailability, risk relations and site remediation.

Price: USD 96.00. Orders to: Science Publishers, P.O. Box 699, Enfield, NH 03748, USA. Fax: +1-603-632-5611. Email: sales@scipub.net Homepage: www.scipub.net

Plant Litter. Decomposition, Humus Formation, Carbon Sequestration. B. Berg and C. McClaugherty. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2003, xii + 286 p. ISBN 3-540-44329-0. Hardcover.

The authors had intended to summarize and synthesize new information that had developed in the last 20-30 years in the field of plant litter decomposition. It turned out, however, that the main part of more recent work was directed towards boreal and temperate forest systems and therefore, with a focus on these ecosystems they concluded a synthesis that has a similarity to a case study. The book focuses on the transfer from newly shed litter to recalcitrant humus, describing and explaining the systems of chemical changes taking place in the process both on a mechanistic basis and on a more general and regional level, considering different climates and species. The book gives a synthesis of the different sub-processes on the basis that decomposition is microbially mediated and develops a system in the decomposition processes leading to chemical changes in litter. Further, it introduces a conceptual model for litter transformations from litter fall until the decomposing litter accumulates as humus. The effects of substrate quality, climate and their interactions on decomposition are presented as well as examples of litter types that break the basic pattern. A system is suggested for humus accumulation rates among forest systems, a system that may be a starting point for estimates of carbon sequestration in forest systems.

Price: EUR 129.95; SFR 210.00; GBP 100.00; USD 149.00. Orders to: Springer-Verlag, Tiergartenstrasse 17, D-69121 Heidelberg, Germany. Fax: +49-6221-345229. Email: orders@springer.de Homepage: www.springer.de In North America: Springer-Verlag, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010, USA. Fax: +1-201-348-4505.

Email: service@springer.ny.com Homepage: www.springer-ny.com

Soil Fertility Decline in the Tropics, with Case Studies on Plantations. A.E. Hartemink. ISRIC and CABI Publishing, 2003, xiii + 360 p. ISBN 0-85199-670-1. Hardcover

According to Sir E.J. Russell (1926) No scientific investigation is complete until its results can be expressed quantitatively. Only when this is done can the investigators feel reasonably certain that they have gained the right perspective and that they know how nearly their hypothesis approximate the truth. The author, who is Deputy Secretary General of the IUSS since 2002, keeps to this writing, and many relevant data are presented about the subject of his research, mostly carried out in Tanzania and Papua New Guinea. Maintaining the soil chemical fertility is a prerequisite to sustain crop productivity. Permanent cropping without adequate nutrient replenishment and soil conservation measures may result in nutrient mining or soil fertility decline. It is generally assumed that this decline is widespread under annual cropping systems of subsistence farmers in the tropics. This book has its main focus on agricultural plantations, which have been largely neglected in the discussion on soil fertility decline and sustainable land management. Plantation agriculture is an important form of land use in the tropics and is rapidly expanding. It has been long assumed that a perennial plant cover protects the soil better than an annual crop and it has also been stated that land degradation under perennial crops is usually less than in arable farming under similar conditions. This book reviews these concepts, focusing on soil chemical changes under different land-use systems in the tropics. These include perennial crops, annual crops and forest plantations. Two case studies are presented in detail. The author clearly demonstrates that soil fertility decline is a problem on plantations. Prof. D.J. Greenland states in his foreword that This book should help to refocus attention on the dangers of continuing soil degradation, and on the need to ensure that positive nutrient balances are maintained for plantation as well as for food crops.

Price: Listprice GBP 65.00 or USD 120.00. For IUSS members GBP 52.00 if ordered through email orders@cabi.org Mention that you are an IUSS member. If ordered from ISRIC/IUSS: USD 60.00. Orders to: CABI Publishing, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 8DE, UK. Fax: +44-1491-829292. Homepage: www.cabi-publishing.org/bookshop In USA and Latin America: Oxford University Press, 2001 Evans Road, Cary, NC 27513, USA. Fax: +1-919-677-1303. Email: orders@oup-usa.org ISRIC/IUSS, P.O. Box 353, 6700 AJ Wageningen, The Netherlands. Fax: +31-317-471700. Email: jan.brussen@wur.nl Homepage: www.isric.org

Soil. Fragile Interface. P. Stengel and S. Gelin, editors. Science Publishers, Enfield and Plymouth, 2003, xii + 252 p. ISBN 1-57808-219-6. Hardcover. Translation from French of Sol, interface fragile, INRA, Paris, 1998. ISBN 2-7380-0786-4.

This book is written from the perspective of pedologists and agronomists and is a study of the Earth’s crust, which is subjected to climatic agents and inhabited by living creatures. These phenomena slowly transform soil through the interaction of physical, climatic and biological processes. As an interface, soil is an ecological system whose complexity is manifest by the considerable diversity of organisms existing in it. It is evident that soil is vital for the functioning of ecosystems. There is a greater awareness of the threats against the long-term productivity of the soil, which should be regarded as a practically non-renewable resource. These threats result from many processes, the most worrying being chemical pollution, acidification, erosion and physical degradation, and reduction of organic matter content. Salinisation and acidification have also affected vast areas. Mankind, which has long associated its prosperity with the fertility of the Earth, has neglected its care for the soil for several decades, while water and air have received far more attention. This book emphasizes the importance of soil conservation and advocates a broad-based soil rehabilitation programme.

Price: USD 75.00. Orders to: Science Publishers, P.O. Box 699, Enfield, NH 03748, USA. Fax: +1-603-632-5611. Email: sales@scipub.net. Homepage: www.scipub.net.

Ecology. From Ecosystem to Biosphere. Chr. Levoque. Science Publishers, Enfield and Plymouth, 2003, xvii + 472 p. ISBN 1-57808-294-3. Hardcover. Translation from French of cologie de l’ecosysteme – la biosphere, Dunod, Paris, 2001. ISBN 2-10-005232-2.

Ecology is above all a science of observation that involves a large number of disciplines, including zoology, botany, geology, climatology, hydrology, etc. Two large domains are usually recognized in the field of scientific ecology: population biology and ecosystem ecology. The latter needs long term multidisciplinary research programmes to understand the functioning of ecosystems and the biosphere. To meet such a holistic approach ecologists have to improve long term ecological studies, to develop new tools such as databases and integrative modeling, and to promote new paradigms that consider global scale. This book provides a synthesis of the present knowledge of ecosystem ecology, from local to global. It is organized into four parts. The first presents research methods, which are based on observation, experiment and modeling. Then follows an introduction to the concept of ecosystem. The various themes of current research are then addressed: ecological hierarchies, homogeneity and heterogeneity, the role of biological diversity, spatial and temporal scales, etc. Finally, there is an overview of the global functioning of the biosphere from a historical perspective. The theoretical concepts are abundantly illustrated by examples, presented in boxes. This book is designed for graduate students as well as researchers and lecturers who wish to understand the heritage and paradigms of ecosystem ecology and to use modern concepts.

Price: USD 59.00. Orders to: Science Publishers, P.O. Box 699, Enfield, NH 03748, USA. Fax: +1-603-632-5611. Email: sales@scipub.net. Homepage: www.scipub.net.

The Conservation and Improvement of Sloping Land. A manual of soil and water conservation and soil improvement on sloping land. Volume 3: Practical application – Soil and Water Conservation. P.J. Storey. Science Publishers, Enfield and Plymouth, 2003, xix + 349 p. ISBN 1-57808-234-X. Softcover.

Earlier books in this series of three are concerned with Practical understanding (volume 1) and Practical application – soil improvement (volume 2). The author has more than 30 years experience in the problems of soil and water loss, both of quantity and quality, who learned to stop this loss and how to improve even the worst land. Dr. David Sanders, the former President of the World Association of Soil and Water Conservation, writes in his foreword that, although for the last 40 years the world has been able to produce food surpluses and farmers in Europe and the USA have even been paid subsidies not to farm some of their land, it is important that we conserve our soil and water resources. As reasons for that, he mentions: First, the amount of land available for food production is finite and this land is steadily being lost through erosion and other forms of degradation. It is also diverted to other purposes, such as housing and infrastructures. Secondly, the present high rates of agricultural production have been achieved largely through the use of irrigation, heavy use of fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides, combined with the use of new, high yielding crop varieties. Unfortunately, much of this is not sustainable. Thirdly, even though there may be sufficient food worldwide, many poor people do not have enough money to purchase what they need. The only way that many millions of people, mainly in the developing world, can exist by farming whatever land is available to them. For these people it is vital that the available land is conserved in a productive state. The author has recognized the problem and has successfully put together practical, comprehensive manuals, which should provide a guide to anyone working in the field of soil and water conservation. The book has not only practical advice on how to carry out various conservation practices, but gives also basic information about soil, including their formation, chemistry, physical attributes and management. It also has information about related subjects, such as vegetation, livestock, surveying and approaches to extension. All this is done in easy to read English.

Price: USD 65.00. Orders to: Science Publishers, P.O. Box 699, Enfield, NH 03748, USA. Fax: +1-603-632-5611. Email: sales@scipub.net. Homepage: www.scipub.net.

The Ecology of Soil Decomposition. S.M. Adl. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, 2003, xiii + 335 p. ISBN 0-85199-661-2. Hardcover.

Decomposition is an ecological process that recycles dead tissues, mainly from primary production, into nutrients in the soil. This book is about the trophic interactions among species that live in the soil. These interactions are responsible for the decomposition of previously living cells and tissues, for pedogenesis (from a biological perspective, it is the accumulation of organic matter into the mineral soil) and for biomineralization (making the decomposing matter available as nutrients in the soil solution). The biological interactions between species that carry out the decomposition of organic matter are the primary focus of this book.

The key topics addressed in this book are functional groups, spatial stratification and successions over time, involving bacteria, protists, fungi and micro-invertebrates. Emphasis is placed on the role of species diversity in functional groups. The book is of significant interest to those working in areas of ecology, soil science and microbiology.

Price: GBP 60.00; USD 100.00. 10% discount when reference BKG is quoted when ordering.

Orders to: CABI Publishing, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 8DE, UK. Fax: +44-1491-829292. Email: orders@cabi.org Homepage: www.cabi-publishing.org/bookshop In USA and Latin America: Oxford University Press, 2001 Evans Road, Cary, NC 27513, USA. Fax: +1-919-677-1303. Email: orders@oup-usa.org.

Input Subsidies and Agricultural Development. Issues and Options for Developing and Transitional Economies. IFDC, Muscle Shoals, 2003, vii + 27 p. ISBN 0-88090-141-1. Paper Series IFDC-P-29. Softcover.

World population is projected to reach over 8 billion in 2025 and over 9 billion in 2050. Over 90% of the increase will occur in the developing and transitional economies where food insecurity and environmental degradation are serious challenges. In confronting these challenges, the use of mineral fertilizer and associated inputs will continue to play a critical role, as it has done in the past. In the context of market reforms, which have taken place during the last decade, and the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture, this paper provides an assessment of arguments for and against input subsidies, especially fertilizer subsidies, and discusses various alternatives to subsidies and IFDC experiences in dealing with fertilizer subsidies.

Price: USD 10.00. Orders to: IFDC, P.O. Box 2040, Muscle Shoals, AL 35662, USA. Fax: +1-256-381-7408. Email: general@ifdc.org Homepage: www.ifdc.org

Interactions of the Major Biogeochemical Cycles. Global Change and Human Impacts. SCOPE 61. J.M. Melillo, Chr.B. Field and B. Moldan, editors. Island Press, Washington, Covelo, xxi + 357 p. ISBN 1-55963-066-3 (softcover); 1-55963-065-5 (hardcover).

This is the first major update by the Scientific Committee On Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) in twenty years on the interactions that define earth’s biogeochemistry. The book provides breakthrough information about how earth’s major elements, such as carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, oxygen and hydrogen, work together to maintain the planet’s ecosystems. New technologies, such as infrared reflectance and nanotechnologies are giving scientists insights into the dynamics of a greater number of nutrients, allowing the development of multiple resource interaction models and more accurate understanding.

The book’s landmark findings are critical to addressing environmental degradation. Human activities, including agriculture, industry, and urbanization alter elements interactions and contribute to major environmental problems ranging from climate change and depletion of the ozone layer to acidification of soils to destruction of coral reefs. The book represents significant progress in the study of element interactions and in our ability to reduce humanity’s negative impacts on natural processes.

Price: USD 35.00, softcover; USD 75.00, hardcover.

Orders to: Island Press, P.O. Box 7, Covelo, CA 95428, USA. Fax: +1-707-983-1302. Email: service@islandpress.org Homepage: www.islandpress.org In Europe: The Eurospan Group, 3 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London WC2E 8LU, UK. Fax: +44-20-73790609. Email: info@eurospan.co.uk

Decision Support Tools for Smallholder Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Agriculture. A Practical Guide. T.E. Struif Bontkes and M.C.S Wopereis, editors. IFDC, Muscle Shoals and CTA, Wageningen, 2003, ix + 194 p. ISBN 0-88090-142-X. Softcover.

This book is meant to help agricultural researchers and extension staff in the selection and application of tools that facilitate decision-making to improve soil fertility management and agricultural productivity. These tools provide valuable additions to traditional approaches in research and development because they better capture the diversity and dynamics of farming systems and readily be applied to provide site-specific diagnoses, analyses, and best-bet management options. A large variety of Decision Support Tools (DSTs) are presented, ranging from relatively simple nutrient-flow mapping to more complex crop growth-simulation modeling. Case studies mostly set in sub-Saharan Africa provide practical examples of the use of these tools. An introductory chapter helps the reader to find the appropriate tool for a particular topic. In the appendices, more detailed information is provided on each tool, such as a brief description and contact addresses of the developers of the tool. In a message from the Ecoregional Fund, the chairman of its International Scientific Advisory Committee, Prof. Johan Bouma, writes: I consider this book to be an accessible and valuable guide that promotes the use of DSTs. I sincerely hope that it will increase the use of these tools and contribute to an accelerated and sustainable development of the agricultural sector in sub-Saharan Africa and the improvement of the well-being of farmer families in the region. The book is a result of a project carried out in West Africa, managed by IFDC-An International Center for Soil Fertility and Agricultural Development, funded by the Ecoregional Fund to Support Methodological Initiatives. The publication is co-funded by the ACP-EU Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA).

Price: Download: USD 10.00, Paperback USD 25.00. Orders to: IFDC, P.O. Box 2040, Muscle Shoals, AL 35662, USA. Fax: +1-256-381-7408. Email: general@ifdc.org Homepage: www.ifdc.org

Encyclopedia of Geomorphology. A. Goudie, editor. Routledge, 2003, 1400 p. ISBN 0-415-27298-X. Hardcover.

Geomorphology, the discipline that analyses the history and nature of the earth’s surface, deals with the landforms produced by erosion, weathering, deposition, transport and tectonic processes. In recent decades, there have been major developments in the discipline and these are reflected in this major encyclopedia, the first such reference work to be published for 35 years. In two volumes, the encyclopedia contains 640 alphabetically organized entries to provide a comprehensive guide both to specific landforms and to the major geomorphological processes that create them. The entries are fully cross-referenced and indexed. The text is well-illustrated with many line drawings and 16 pages with colour plates.

Price: GBP 225.00. Orders to: Europa Customer Service, 11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE, UK. Fax: +44-20-7842-2249. Email: sales-europa@tandf.co.uk Homepage: www.tandf.co.uk In North America: Taylor & Francis, 29 West 35th Street, New York, NY 10001-2299, USA. Fax: +1-212-564-7854. Email: cserve@routledge-ny-com

Land Quality, Agricultural Productivity, and Food Security. Biophysical Processes and Economic Choices at Local, Regional, and Global Levels. K. Wiebe, editor. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham and Northampton, 2003, xi + 461 p. ISBN 1-84064-752-3. Hardcover.

Despite remarkable growth in food production in recent decades, nearly one billion people remain undernourished, and longstanding concerns about the world’s capacity to feed its people and protect it resources remain very real. Addressing these challenges requires improved understanding of the links between land quality, land degradation, agricultural productivity, and food security. These links have been the subject of interest for many years, but have remained shrouded by conceptual difficulties, disciplinary boundaries, and incomplete data. Recent developments in each 9of these areas offer the prospect of improved understanding, and are the subject of this book. This book presents the results of innovative, collaborative research conducted over the past four years by soil scientists, geographers, economists and other scientists. The individual chapters comprise a collection of integrated studies on the interaction between biophysical processes and economic choices. Part one of this book presents overviews from the perspectives of soil science and economics and describes new data and methods for the construction of land quality indicators. The second part examines the role of land quality in explaining differences in agricultural productivity between countries. Part three turns to land degradation over time and its impact on changes in agricultural productivity at various spatial scales, recognizing farmers differing incentives to address land degradation. Part four explores the implications of land degradation-induced productivity losses and depletion of water resources for food security at regional and global scales. Finally, part five discusses continuing challenges for research and policy. With contributions from leading experts in soil science and economy, and especially the linkage of their knowledge in the integrated approaches, this is an intriguing book!

Price: GBP 95.00. Orders to: In North and South America: Edward Elgar Publishing, P.O. Box Williston, VT 05495-0575, USA. Fax: +1-802-864-7626. Email: eep. orders@aidcvt.com Elsewhere: Marston Book Services, P.O. Box 269, Abington, Oxon OX14 4YN, UK. Fax: +44-1235-465555. Email: direct.order@marston.co.uk Homepage: www.marston.co.uk Homepage Edward Elgar: www.e-elgar.com

Oil Palm. Management for Large and Sustainable Yields. Th. Fairhurst and R. Hardter, editors. International Potash Institute, Basel, 2003, iv + 382 p. ISBN 981-04-8485-2. Softcover.

The oil palm has now been established on about 5.5 M ha of land in SE Asia. Due to its large demand for nutrients and the size of the area planted, the crop is now one of the largest consumers of mineral fertilizer nutrients. SE Asia is able to supply all its requirements for N, but most of its requirements for P, and all its K requirements as well as part of its requirement for Mg fertilizers must be imported. As only a small proportion of total nutrient uptake is exported in palm and kernel oils the economic products of oil palm- there is a considerable scope for recycling nutrients contained in crop residues or provide nutrients to other cropping systems in the form of compost. Much knowledge and know-how has accumulated in the last 30 years and it is the aim of this publication to provide scientists consultants, managers and growers with state-of-the-art knowledge on issues related to nutrient management in oil palm.

Price: USD 22.00, plus mailing charges. Orders to: East & Southeast Asia Programs, 126 Watten Estate Road, Singapore 287599. Fax: +65-6467-0416. Email: dtan@ppi-ppic.org.org Homepage: www.ppi-ppic.org/seasia

Handbook of Processes and Modeling in the Soil – Plant System. D.K. Bendi and R. Nieder, editors. Food Products Press and The Haworth Reference Press, New York, London, 2003, xxi + 762 p. ISBN 1-56022-915-2 (softcover); 1-56022-914-4 (hardcover).

This book presents a holistic view of the processes within the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. In 22 chapters, written by one or more leading experts in their field, the book examines the following subjects: physical, chemical and biological processes; soil formation and weathering process; the impact of radioactive fallout on the soil-plant system; soil degradation and remediation; water and matter dynamics in the soil-plant system; growth and development of crops at various levels of production; and the potentials and limitations of using simulation models. The extensive, up-to-date bibliography includes also references to literature in languages other than English. It is a valuable reference text for students as well as for scientists working in many disciplines, and would be a valuable library purchase for universities and institutions where soil and its wider applications for food security are important subjects of study.

Price: USD 89.95, softcover; USD 149.95, hardcover. Orders to: The Haworth Press, 10 Alice Street, Binghamton, NY 13904-1580, USA. Fax: 1-607-771-0012. Email: orders@haworthpress.com Homepage: www.haworthpress.com

Sustainable Soils. The Place of Organic Matter in Sustaining Soils and Their Productivity. B. Wolf and G.H. Snyder. Food Products Press and The Haworth Press, New York, London, 2003, xx + 352 p. ISBN 1-56022-917-9 (softcover); 1-56022-916-0. Hardcover.

There has been a growing concern that intensive agriculture is not sustainable because of its use of large amounts of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides and increased dependence on irrigation. Although improvements are being made, they have not completely eliminated criticism of the modern intensive mode, resulting in a depletion of necessary minerals, pollution of land and water and erosion.

This book shows the importance of organic matter in maintaining crop production. The addition of organic matter to soil is covered in great detail. This organic matter can be derived from crop residues, cover crops, sods, various wastes, such as manures, sludges and composts. The benefits of these different forms of organic matter are discussed, and how each should be handled for maximum returns. The text also stresses the necessity of combining organic matter with reduced tillage and added chemicals.

Price: USD 49.95, softcover; USD 69.95, hardcover. Orders to: The Haworth Press, 10 Alice Street, Binghamton, NY 13904-1580, USA. Fax: 1-607-771-0012. Email: orders@haworthpress.com Homepage: www.haworthpress.com

Amazonian Dark Earths. Origin, Properties, Management. J. Lehmann, D.C. Kern, B. Glaser and W.I. Woods, editors. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, 2003, xvii + 505 p. ISBN 1-4020-1839-8. Hardcover.

Amazonian Dark Earths of prehistoric origin are differentiated from surrounding soils by their darker colour, higher organic matter content, higher pH, greater P content, greater exchangeable Ca and Mg, and increased minor element concentrations. Although already known since the mid 1870s, recent studies show that their extension is much greater than previously thought. Much of the recently gained new data about the soils and archaeological and anthropological findings have not been integrated and the present book is the first one to do so. This book is not only a testament to the vanished civilizations of the Amazon Basin, but may provide the answer to how the large, sophisticated societies were able to sustain intensive agriculture in an environment with mostly infertile soils. Locally known as Terra Preta de Indio these anomalous soils are even today fertile and highly productive. Though clearly associated with pre-European settlements questions remain whether the Dark Earths were intentionally produced or merely a by-product of habitation activities. This book provides a comprehensive review of the current understanding of these fascinating soils: their origin, properties, and management through time. It is divided into four sections. In the first, a historical perspective of the research on anthropogenic soils in general is given and the place the Amazonian Dark Earths have in it. The properties of these soils are given in the second section: soil fertility, soil organic matter, carbon sequestration, and agro-biodiversity. The third section provides an overview of methods relevant to research on Amazonian Dark Earths. The fourth section deals with the current management of soils around homesteads and agricultural fields. This highly interesting, well-illustrated book with colour photographs and maps, is dedicated to the memory of Wim Sombroek. He is regarded as the father of contempory Terra Preta research, and the inspirator for this book. He wrote the foreword, but did not see the final product of his endeavors in the Brazilian Amazon. His fieldwork started in the 1960s, which was described in his thesis on the soils of the Amazon, published in 1966, and ended nearly forty years later.

Price: EUR 135.00; USD 149.00; GBP 86.00.

Orders to: In the Americas: Kluwer Academic Publishers, P.O. Box 358, Accord Station, Hingham, MA 02018-0358, USA. Fax: +1-781-681-9045. Email: kluwer@wkap.com. Elsewhere: Kluwer Academic Publishers, P.O. Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Fax: +31-78-6576474. Email: orderdept@wkap.nl

Homepage: www.wkap.nl

LEISA Magazine 1984 – 2003. CD-ROM. ILEIA, Amersfoort.

This cd-rom contains all articles published by ILEIA (Centre for Information on Low External Input and Sustainable Agriculture) in the ILEIA Newletter and the LEISA Magazine. (Magazine on Low External Input and Sustainable Agriculture) from 1984 to 2003. The nearly 1000 articles reflect twenty years of practical field experiences with low external input and sustainable agriculture as described by field practicioners and development workers from all over the world. The articles also reflect the development of interest and knowledge on ecological and partipatory approaches in agricultural development that have taken place during these two decades. The articles are indexed by volume, author and topic and are available in HTML and PDF formats.

Requests to: ILEIA, P.O. Box 2067, 3800 CB Amersfoort, The Netherlands. Fax: +31-33-4632410. Email: ileia@ileia.nl. Homepage: www.ileia.org

Feed the Soil to Feed the People. The role of potash in sustainable agriculture. Volume 1: Invited papers. A.E. Johnston, editor. International Potash Institute, Basel, 2003, 369 p. Softcover.

This publication contains the proceedings of the IPI Golden Jubilee Congress, held in Basel, in October 2002. The presented invited papers are included in this first volume of the proceedings; the second volume is in preparation. German and French potash producers established IPI in 1952 as a non-governmental, non-profit organization. Currently, IPI is supported by the European and Near East potash industry and has its headquarters in Basel, Switzerland. Over the years, its aims have changed somewhat in response to the changing needs for food production in different parts of the world.

The book has the following chapters: Opening session (5 papers); Session 2 – economic and social issues to achieve sustainable and viable agriculture (4 papers) with a panel discussion on economic constraints in achieving sustainable crop production (3 papers); Session 3 – Plant nutrients for sustainable agriculture (4 papers) with a panel discussion on the imbalance in nutrient supply as a threat to sustainable crop production (3 papers); and Session 4 – Potash in agriculture (6 papers).

Price: USD 25.00.

Orders to: International Potash Institute, P.O. Box 1609, CH-4001 Basel, Switzerland. Fax: +41-61-261-29-25. Email: ipi@ipipotash.org Homepage: www.ipipotash.org

Gully Erosion and Global Change. Special issue of CATENA, volume 50, 2-4, pp. 89-562. Elsevier, 2003. ISSN 0341-8162.

This special issue of papers has mainly arisen from a symposium hosted by the Laboratory for Experimental Geomorphology, K.U. Leuven, Belgium. The symposium was designed to () review current understanding of, (2) report progress in, and (3) identify priorities for future research in various areas of global change impacts on gully erosion. Particular attention was given to the following topics: historical studies of gully erosion, contribution of gully erosion to soil degradation and sediment production at various temporal and spatial scales and under different environmental conditions. Monitoring techniques and experimental investigations of various gully types, subprocesses of gully erosion, critical thresholds for gully development and gully infilling, factors controlling gully erosion rates, interactions between gully erosion and hydrological as well as other land degradation processes, modeling rates of gully erosion and their impacts on landscape evolution, on-site and off-site impacts of gully erosion, gully prevention and gully control measures and their effectiveness and efficiency.

Orders to: In Europe: Customer Support Department, Elsevier Science, P.O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Fax:+31-20-4853432. E-mail: nlinfo-f@elsevier.nl Homepage: www.elsevier.nl In USA and Canada: Elsevier Science, P.O. Box 945, Madison Square Garden, New York, NY 10160-0945, USA. Fax: +1-212-633-3680. E-mail: usinfo-f@elsevier.com. For other sales offices see homepage: www.elsevier.com.

Organic Soils and Peat Materials for Sustainable Agriculture. L.E. Parent and P. Ilnicki, editors. CRC Press, Boca Raton, London, 2003, 205 p. ISBN 0-8493-1458-5. Cat. no. 1458. Hardcover.

While organic soils have the potential to contribute greatly to agricultural production, the irreversible processes that occur from draining organic soils need to be managed with caution. This book provides detailed information from a worldwide perspective on the degradation process of fragile peat resources used for agriculture. It documents the best management practices and defines and quantifies soil quality indicators and pedo-transfer functions for organic soils and peat materials. Co-published with the International Peat Society, this book is the first to integrate the physical, chemical and biological aspects of organic soils and peat materials for sustainable agriculture and horticulture. It presents how peat works chemically, physically and ecologically. It quantifies the moorsh-forming, or peat degradation, process in tables and figures, provides conversion equations among pH determination methods, and supplies a novel diagnosis of N and P release. With detailed information and a global perspective, this book aims to promote a shift from the current paradigm of input-based unsustainable use to a new knowledge-based approach.

Price: USD 99.95; GBP 66.99.

CRC Press, 2000 N.W. Corporate Boulevard, Boca Raton, FL 33431-9868, USA. Fax: 1-800-374-3401, +1-561-361-6018. E-mail: orders@crcpress.com. Homepage:

Food Security and Environmental Quality in the Developing World. R. Lal, D. Hansen, N. Uphoff and S. Slack, editors. Lewis Publishers, a CRC Press Company, Boca Raton, London, 2003, xiv + 464 p. ISBN 1-56670-594-0. Cat. no. L1594. Hardcover.

Leading authorities from soil scientists to economists address the following critical questions: Can developing countries meet the food requirements of their growing populations with jeopardizing a natural resource base that is already under great stress?, and How can food security be reconciled with environmental quality in an industrializing society? With a focus on India, this book reviews the state of natural resources, fertilizers and energy needs, and the potential importance of biotechnology as they affect all developing countries. It then addresses issues pertaining to water quality, agricultural chemicals, and pesticides residues on food. Part three examines harvesting, post-harvest food losses, storage and processing of animal products, and sustainability and inequality issues. The next sections deal with poverty alleviation, microfinance, gender equity, policy issues, and the role of the public sector. The book takes on the crucial challenge of enhancing agricultural production while reversing the alarming trends in soil and environmental degradation.

Price: USD 139.95; GBP 93.00.

CRC Press, 2000 N.W. Corporate Boulevard, Boca Raton, FL 33431-9868, USA. Fax: 1-800-374-3401, +1-561-361-6018. E-mail: orders@crcpress.com. Homepage:

Trees, Crops and Soil Fertility: Concepts and Research Methods. G. Schroth and F.L. Sinclair, editors. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, 2003, 448 p. ISBN 0-85199-593-4. Hardcover.

This book integrates information from soil science, agronomy and forestry in temperate and tropical regions. It provides both background theory and practical methods. Successful agroforestry requires an understanding of the complex relationship between trees, crops and soils. This book provides a review of both economic and biophysical aspects of soil use and research in agroforestry, with an emphasis on nutrient-poor forest and savanna soils. Key topics covered include the economics of soil fertility management, cycling of water, nutrients and organic matter, soil structure, and soil biological processes. The book combines synthetic overviews of research results and a review of methods used in research. From the foreword: The book is written within a particular context – soil fertility development under agroforestry. At first this may seem very specific and thus limited in appeal and application. But over the last decade or so agroforestry research has been one of the most influential in developing new insights into soil biology and fertility and thus provides a very suitable framework for review of progress. Furthermore the influence of trees on soil is profound and of significance beyond agroforestry systems, so the book is likely to be of interest in the wider spheres of agriculture, forestry and ecological sciences. Mike Swift, TSBF, Nairobi, Kenya.

Price: GBP 65.00; USD 120.00.

Orders to: CABI Publishing, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 8DE, UK. Fax: +44-1491-829292. E-mail: orders@cabi.org Homepage: www.cabi-publishing.org/bookshop In North and Central America: Oxford University Press, 2001 Evans Road, Cary, NC 27513, USA. Fax: +1-919-677-1303. E-mail: orders@oup-usa.org

Participation of Non-Governmental Organisations in International Environmental Co-operation. Legal Basis and Practical Experience. Sebastian Oberther, Matthias Buck, Sebastian Moller, Dr. Stephanie Pfahl, Richard G. Tarasofsky, Dr. Jacob Werksmann, Alice Palmer. Ecologic Centre for International & European Environmental Research, Berlin. Reihe: Berichte des Umweltbundesamtes, Band 11/02. 2003. XIII. 287 Seiten, 15,8 cm x 23,5 cm, kartoniert. ISBN 3 503 07060 5.

The importance of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in international environmental co-operation has increased tremendously over the last decades. Accordingly, the participation of non-governmental actors has become a prominent subject for research, especially in the legal and social sciences. However, limited effort has been spent at systematically analysing the relationship between the legal basis and the practical influence of NGOs in different areas of international environmental co-operation. This study first laid a conceptual basis by reviewing existing definitions of NGOs and developing an own working definition, elaborating the functions NGOs perform in international environmental policy-making and examining various criteria that can serve to distinguish different types of NGOs.

Pice: Euro (D) 39,80

Orders to: Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH&Co, POB 102451, Viktoriastrae 44A, 33602 Bielefeld.

Vital Signs 2003. The Trends That Are Shaping Our Future. Worldwatch Institute. M. Renner, project director and M.O. Sheehan, associate project director, L. Starke, editor. In cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme. W.W. Norton & Company, New York and London, 2003, 153 p. ISBN 0-393-32440-0. Softcover.

Although last year’s growth of the world population of 1.18 percent was the lowest since rates peaked above 2 percent in the mid 1960s, the number of people added to the planet of 74 million remained in fact about the same. The human family has more than doubled since 1960. In 2002, global grain production declined for the third time in four years. At 1833 million tons the harvest was three percent lower than the previous year’s and was the smallest crop since 1995. Global grain production per person dropped to 294 kg in 2002, the lowest level since 1970. According to FAO there are at least 815 million chronically hungry people in the world, a modest decline from the 956 million estimated in 1970. World cereal stocks fell sharply to some 466 million tons, nearly a 20 percent reduction in just one year and the lowest level in 40 years of stocktaking. These and many other figures are given in this interesting yearly publication from the Worldwatch Institute, since three years made in cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). After an introductory chapter, it contains parts on Food Trends, Energy and Atmospheric Trends, Economic Trends, Transportation and Communication Trends, Health and Social Trends, Military Trends, Environment Features, Economy Features, Resource Economic Features, Health and Social Features, and Military and Governance Features. According to Worldwatch President, Mr. Christopher Flavin: The human tragedies behind the statistics are compelling reminders that social and environmental progress are not luxuries that can be set aside when the world is experiencing economic and political problems. All data are also available on a CD-ROM. The publication is also available in many languages.

Price: USD 14.95.

Orders to: W.W. Norton, 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110, USA. Phone: 1-888-544-2303 (in US) or +1-570-320-2076. Or: W.W. Norton, 75/76 Wells Street, London W1T 3QT, UK. Homepage: www.worldwatch.org.

Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS-CN) Methodology. Water Science and Technology Library volume 42. S.K. Mishra and V.P. Singh. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, 2003, xx + 513 p. ISBN 1-4020-1132-6. Hardcover.

The Soil Conservation Service (SCS) curve number (CN) method is one of the most popular methods for computing the runoff volume of a rainstorm. It is popular because it is simple, easy to understand and apply, and stable, and accounts for most of the runoff producing watershed characteristics, such as soil type, land use, hydrologic conditions, and antecedent moisture conditions. The SCS-CN method was originally developed for its use on small agricultural watersheds and has since been extended and applied to rural, forest and urban watersheds. It has been applied to a wide range of environments and the method has received much attention in the hydrologic literature. Despite several limitations of the method and even questionable credibility at times, it has been in continuous use for the simple reason that it works fairly well at the field level. Recent contributions have significantly enhanced the understanding of the method and consequently its application potential. In the simplest form, the fundamental proportionality concept of the method relates the two orthogonal hydrological processes of surface water and ground water and the other hypothesis relates to the atmospheric process. Qualitatively, the method broadly integrates all the three major processes of the hydrologic cycle; and therefore it can form one of the fundamental concepts of hydrology. Thus, there is a need to have another look at the SCS-CN method and highlights its potential for applications to perform hydrological tasks other than those originally intended.

This textbook is aimed at presenting an up-to-date account of the SCS-CN method and clarifies its potential for practical applications.

Price: URO 170.00; USD 167.00; GBP 107.00.

Orders to: In North, Central and South America: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 101 Philip Drive, Norwell, MA 02061, USA. Elsewhere: Kluwer Academic Publishers, P.O. Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, Netherlands.

Soil Water Dynamics. A.W. Warrick.Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, 2003, xxiii + 391p. ISBN 0-19-512605-X. Hardcover

This book is intended for use as a text in advanced soil physics or vadose zone hydrology, for use by university students and researchers and modelers interested in soil water flow, contaminant transport and environmental pollution abatement. The emphasis is on quantitative rather than qualitative descriptions. The basic framework and terminology address flow and transport, but the detailed descriptions are slanted toward mathematical development and analysis. More than 175 practice and discussion questions are presented. Additionally, computer programs are included, which appear on the accompanying CD along with some of the tabular data presented. Several short Mathcad programs have been used to illustrate and/or perform detailed calculations. The reader can reproduce similar results by whatever means are at his/her disposal, such as spreadsheets or programming languages. Additionally, there are a half dozen programs given in FORTRAN, primarily providing solutions to the nonlinear Richards equation. These programs emphasize both the numerics and the physical results, and are simplified for ease of understanding. As a reference, this book develops the basic flow equations and provides the solutions and methodology under one cover. A unique feature is the presence of a number of analytical solutions for variably saturated flow and solute transport. These complement sections on numerical techniques. There are numerous examples and calculations which can de studied and, in some cases, applied directly. The author outlines also the differences of content with recent books on this subject.

Price: GBP 52.75; USD 85.00.

Orders to: Oxford University Press, CWO Department, Saxon Way West, Corby, Northhants NN18 9ES, UK. Fax: +44-1536-746337. Homepage: www.oup.co.uk. Or: Oxford University Press, Order Department, 2001 Evans Road, Cary, NC 27513, USA. Fax: +1-919-677-1303. Homepage: www.oup-usa.org.

People Matter: Food Security and Soils. R. Lahmar, M. Held and L. Montanarella, editors. Torba, Montpellier, 2003, 158 p. ISBN 2-9519580-0-5. Softcover.

The international conference People Matter – Food Security and Soils took place in Tutzing, Germany, from 1-4 April 2001.

Food security is an urgent problem today. It is estimated that 800 million people have not enough food to survive and 2 billion people are lacking food security. To accommodate the nearly 8 billion people expected by 2025 and to improve their diets, the world will have to double food production compared to current levels. The intimate link between soil and food production is at the heart of human existence on earth. Issues such as environmental degradation, population growth, competition for land, overstressed agriculture and inadequate international food distribution raise some basic questions: the most important issues being: Do the soils of the world have the potential to feed all of humanity? Which kind of agriculture can feed this expected population? Are there alternatives? Are these forms of agriculture sustainable and what is their specific role in sustainable use of soils and land management? What could be the solutions to food insecurity? These and other issues were discussed at the meeting in Tutzing and the present publication contains its proceedings. After a preface by Prof. Alain Ruellan, former president of the IUSS and an introductory chapter by the editors, the publication contains chapters in the following sections: (I) Food security – starting point, approach and consequences (4 papers); (II) Sustainable food security – alternatives for agriculture (9 papers); and (III) Perspectives for sustained food security (2 papers).

Many soil scientists should read this interesting publication!

Price: EUR 12.00.

Orders to: Torba Soil & Society, 88 rue Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, F-34070 Montpellier, F