Taking care of soils since 1924
Sustainable soil management as a key to preserve soil biodiversity and stop its degradation

Sustainable soil management as a key to preserve soil biodiversity and stop its degradation

Within the framework of the International Decade of Soils (IDS) 2015-2024 and continuing with the objective of publishing and distributing material relevant to the interests of the IUSS and its members an IUSS Open Access Book Series was launched under a Creative Commons license. This is the first book of the Open Access IUSS Book Series celebrating the 98th anniversary of IUSS as it was published on May 19, 2022.

Soil Biodiversity was proposed as a current topic of great scientific, social, economic, and political importance for the present IUSS book. The book was written from an interdisciplinary perspective covering the current state of the art in this area. Perspectives of various points of view and interactions are reflected according to the different areas of knowledge of soil sciences offered by the authors. That is why the book contains both experimental data and conceptual information, didactic experiences, and reviews organized in four different sections.

Read more: IUSS Soil biodiversity book