Arid Land Research and Management, a cooperating journal of the International Union of Soil Sciences, is a common outlet and a valuable source of information for fundamental and applied research on soils affected by aridity. This journal covers land ecology, including flora and fauna, as well as soil chemistry, biology, physics, and other edaphic aspects. The journal emphasizes recovery of degraded lands and practical, appropriate uses of soils. Reports of biotechnological applications to land use and recovery are included. Full papers and short notes, as well as review articles and book and meeting reviews are published.
Editor-in-Chief: Tibor Toth
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group, Philadelphia, PA
Frequency: 4 issues per year in one volume
Webpage: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/uasr20/current
Price: $105 (for IUSS members, excluding VAT) https://www.tandfonline.com/pricing/journal/uasr20
Contact: enquiries@taylorandfrancis.com (Contact for ordering at discount rate: AdhocOrders@tandf.co.uk)
Biology and Fertility of Soils publishes in English original papers, reviews and short communications on all fundamental and applied aspects of biology – microflora and microfauna – and fertility of soils. It offers a forum for research aimed at broadening the understanding of biological functions, processes and interactions in soils, particularly concerning the increasing demands of agriculture, deforestation and industrialization. The journal includes articles on techniques and methods that evaluate processes, biogeochemical interactions and ecological stresses, and sometimes presents special issues on relevant topics.
Editor-in-Chief: Paolo Nannipieri
Publisher: Springer Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg
Frequency: 1 volume with 8 issues per annual subscription
Webpage: https://www.springer.com/life+sciences/agriculture/journal/374
Price eJournal: € 122.33 for Austria (Including VAT)
Contact: subscriptions@springer.com
Catena publishes papers describing original field and laboratory investigations and reviews on geoecology and landscape evolution with emphasis on interdisciplinary aspects of soil science, hydrology and geomorphology. It aims to disseminate new knowledge and foster better understanding of the physical environment, of evolutionary sequences that have resulted in past and current landscapes, and of the natural processes that are likely to determine the fate of our terrestrial environment.
Chairs of the Editors-in-Chief: Erik Cammeraat, Markus Egli
Publisher: Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam
Frequency: 12 issues/volumes per year
Webpage: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/catena
Price: USA: $3773.00 (excluding VAT); Austria: €3374.00 (including VAT)
Contact: USA: JournalCustomerService-usa@elsevier.com; Europe: JournalsCustomerServiceEMEA@elsevier.com
Geoderma – the global journal of soil science – welcomes authors, readers and soil research from all parts of the world, encourages worldwide soil studies, and embraces all aspects of soil science and its associated pedagogy. The journal particularly welcomes interdisciplinary work focusing on dynamic soil processes and functions across space and time.
Editors-in-Chief: Jan Willem van Groenigen, – Chair of Editors-in-Chief, Yvan Capowiez, Ingrid Kögel-Knabner, David Laird, Alex McBratney, Cristine Morgan, Naoise Nunan
Publisher: Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam
Frequency: 24 volumes/issues per year
Webpage: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/geoderma
Price: USA: $ 6629.00 (excluding sales tax); Austria: € 5927.00 (including VAT)
Request a sales quote for eJournal: https://www.elsevier.com/journals/institutional/geoderma/0016-7061
Contact: USA: ; Europe: JournalsCustomerServiceEMEA@elsevier.com
Established in 1922, the Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (JPNSS) is an international peer-reviewed journal devoted to cover the entire spectrum of plant nutrition and soil science from different scale units, e.g. agroecosystem to natural systems. With its wide scope and focus on soil-plant interactions, JPNSS is one of the leading journals on this topic. Articles in JPNSS include reviews, high-standard original papers, and short communications and represent challenging research of international significance. The Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science is one of the world’s oldest journals. You can trust in a peer-reviewed journal that has been established in the plant and soil science community for now 100 years.
Editors-in-Chief: Hermann Jungkunst, Karl H. Mühling
Publisher: WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany
Frequency: 6 issues per year
Webpage: http://www.plant-soil.com
Institutional Subscription (print only or online only): USA: $1731 (excluding VAT); Austria: €1320 (excluding VAT); Print + online: USA $2163 (excluding VAT); Austria € 1650 (excluding VAT)
Contact: jpnss.editorialoffice@gmx.net
Pedobiologia publishes peer reviewed articles describing original work in the field of soil ecology, which includes the study of soil organisms and their interactions with factors in their biotic and abiotic environments. Analysis of biological structures, interactions, functions, and processes in soil is fundamental for understanding the dynamical nature of terrestrial ecosystems, a prerequisite for appropriate soil management. The scope of this journal consists of fundamental and applied aspects of soil ecology; key focal points include interactions among organisms in soil, organismal controls on soil processes, causes and consequences of soil biodiversity, and aboveground-belowground interactions.
Editors-in-Chief: Jeff Powell, Zoë Lindo, PhD
Publisher: Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam
Frequency: 6 issues/volumes per year
Webpage: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/pedobiologia
Price: Institutional Subscription: USA: $1382.00 (excluding VAT), Austria: €1201.00 (including VAT) Personal Subscription: USA: $ 315.00 (excluding VAT), Austria: € 312.00 (including VAT)
Contact: USA: ; Europe: JournalsCustomerServiceEMEA@elsevier.com
An international journal on research and development in soil tillage and field traffic, and their relationship with land use, crop production and the environment. This ISTRO-affiliated journal examines the physical, chemical and biological changes in the soil caused by tillage and field traffic. Manuscripts will be considered on aspects of soil science, physics, technology, mechanization and applied engineering for a sustainable balance among productivity, environmental quality and profitability.
Editors-in-Chief: R. Horn, B. Jansen, E. Noellemeyer, X. Peng, J.M. Tisdall, O. Wendroth
Publisher: Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam
Frequency: 10 issues/volumes per year
Webpage: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/soil-and-tillage-research
Price: USA: $ 5247.00 (excluding VAT), Austria: € 4693.00 (including VAT)
Contact: USA: ; Europe: JournalsCustomerServiceEMEA@elsevier.com
Soil Biology & Biochemistry publishes original, scientifically challenging research articles of international significance that describe and explain biological processes occurring in soil. These include the possible applications of such knowledge to issues of soil and environmental quality – insofar as such studies inform our understanding of the role of soil biology and biochemistry in mediating soil functions, agricultural sustainability and ecosystem services. The ecology and biochemical processes of soil organisms, their effects on the environment and their interactions with plants are major topics. The applications of new molecular, microscopic and analytical techniques to understanding and explaining population and community dynamics is of great interest. The journal also publishes state-of-the-art reviews of contemporary research that present significant and novel hypotheses, as well as comments and arguments about specific and often controversial aspects of life in the soil.
Editor-in-Chief: Karl Ritz
Publisher: Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam
Frequency: 12 issues/volumes per year
Webpage: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/soil-biology-and-biochemistry
Price: Institutional Subscription: USA: $ 6883.00 (excluding VAT), Austria: € 6155.00 (including VAT) Personal Subscription: USA: $ 323.00 (excluding VAT), Austria: € 287.00 (including VAT)
Contact: USA: ; Europe: JournalsCustomerServiceEMEA@elsevier.com
The Journal of Soils and Sediments (JSS) is devoted to soils and sediments; it deals with contaminated, intact and disturbed soils and sediments. JSS explores both the common aspects and the differences between these two environmental compartments. Inter-linkages at the catchment scale and with the Earth’s system (inter-compartment) are an important topic in JSS. The range of research coverage includes the effects of disturbances and contamination; research, strategies and technologies for prediction, prevention, and protection; identification and characterization; treatment, remediation and reuse; risk assessment and management; creation and implementation of quality standards; international regulation and legislation.
Editors-in-Chief: P.N. Owens; Z. Xu
Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Frequency: 1 volume with 12 monthly issues per annual subscription
Webpage: https://link.springer.com/journal/11368
Price: € 151.50 (=$170.68) (Including VAT, Personal Rate e-only); print + eJournal € 513.00 (including VAT)
Contact: subscriptions@springer.com
Soil Research (formerly known as Australian Journal of Soil Research) is an international journal that aims to rapidly publish high-quality, novel research about fundamental and applied aspects of soil science. As well as publishing in traditional aspects of soil biology, soil physics and soil chemistry across terrestrial ecosystems, the journal welcomes manuscripts dealing with wider interactions of soils with the environment.
Editors-in-Chief: Balwant Singh and Mark Tibbett
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing, Clayton South, Australia
Frequency: 8 issues per year
Webpage: http://www.publish.csiro.au/sr
Price (online): $80 for IUSS Members http://www.publish.csiro.au/sr/forsubscribers/SubscriptionPrices
Contact: publishing.sales@csiro.au
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition is the official English journal of the Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (JSSSPN), and publishes original research and reviews in soil physics, chemistry and mineralogy; soil biology; plant nutrition; soil genesis, classification and survey; soil fertility; fertilizers and soil amendments; environment; socio cultural soil science. The Journal publishes full length papers, short papers, and reviews.
Editor-in-Chief: Tomoyuki Makino
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group, Philadelphia, PA
Frequency: 6 issues per year
Webpage: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tssp20/current
Price (print and online): $146.00, discounted rate for IUSS Members https://www.tandfonline.com/pricing/journal/tssp20
Contact: publishing.sales@csiro.au